Chapter 41

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The next morning, Iris was sitting outside Cat's office at Catco about half an hour before her interview was supposed to be, since she was trying to calm herself down, since this was the interview that could either make or break her leap into journalism.

"Hey, you lost or something?" James asked and Iris nearly died at the fact that James Olsen, the first man to ever get a picture of Superman, was talking to her.

"Uh no actually. I have a job interview with Cat Grant and I got here early." Iris said and James chuckled.

"I'm guessing you're here for the assistant job?" James asked and Iris nodded.

"Yeah, my friend Kara was Ms. Grant's old assistant before she got promoted and she recommended me." Iris said.

"I hope you know what you're getting yourself into. If my understanding is right, before Kara, most of Ms. Grant's assistants only lasted about a month." James said.

"It's true James, which is why it was so hard to let Kiera go." Cat said as she entered the office.

"Ms. Grant, it's such an honor to meet you." Iris said, remembering the tips Kara gave her. Don't try and shake Cat's hand and don't make eye contact with her.

"And you are?" Cat asked.

"Iris West. I'm here to interview for the position of your new assistant. I'm early, so I understand if you weren't expecting me." Iris said, trying to keep the nervousness out of her voice.

"I see Kiera has already groomed you a bit for this interview. Good. Now, since you're already here, might as well get your interview over with now so we know if you have what it takes." Cat said and Iris nodded as she let Cat lead her into her office.

"Nice view." Iris said.

"One of the best in the city. Now anyways, tell me, what makes you so special and I'm hoping that Kiera did not tell you everything she told me at her interview, because then you'll both be out of a job." Cat said.

"I'm not gonna give you some story about why I'm special, because frankly, I don't think I am. I'm just a woman who wants to get the truth out in the world and this job seems like a good first step towards reaching that dream." Iris said.

"Really, now that is an interesting answer. Now, you are no doubt aware that this job will incredibly taxing. I expect nothing less than 100% devotion from all my workers, but especially my assistant." Cat said.

"Then that's what I'll give. I won't be one of those people who says they'll give you more than a hundred percent, because you seem like the kind of person who doesn't appreciate that." Iris said.

"You're very perceptive. A useful talent for anyone in the media business, especially my assistant, since it means that you'd be able to get a good read on people." Cat said, surprising Iris with the compliment.

"One more question." Cat said.

"Ask me anything you want. I'm an open book." Iris said, though she was hoping it wasn't related to her heroic alter ego.

"Are you willing to sacrifice everything in your life to be my assistant?" Cat asked.

"You expect me to drop my life, my family, my friends, just for a job?" Iris asked.

"Yes." Cat said bluntly and Iris took a deep breath as she remembered what Kara had told her.

"Yes, sorry that question just took me by surprise." Iris said.

"Why do you think I throw it in there." Cat said.

"But yes, I am willing to do whatever I have to in order to get this job because I want it. I want a chance to work my way up to a reporter someday, though I know that is probably a long time from now." Iris said.

"Well, it's one day closer now. You're hired. You start tomorrow, but you will spend today having Kiera bring you up to speed on everything you need to know to be my assistant." Cat said and Iris nodded as she quickly made her way out of the office to where Kara was waiting.

"Congrats, you got the job." Kara said and Iris nodded.

"Yeah, I think my heart's still racing." Iris said.

"Don't worry, it's normal, everyone who interviews with Ms. Grant goes through that." Kara assured her.

"Anyways, Ms. Grant says you need to bring me up to speed on the duties of her assistant." Iris said and Kara nodded.

"Okay then, let's get started because we have a lot of ground to cover." Kara said.

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