Chapter 2

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Barry was super nervous as he stood outside the karaoke bar he'd invited Kara to. They'd agreed not to get too fancy and a karaoke bar seemed like a good place to start.

"Barry." Kara said as she approached him and he had to admit, she looked better than she had this morning, since she'd taken her hair out of it's ponytail and now it fell down to her shoulders. She was also now wearing jeans with a cute aqua blue top.

"Kara, you look nice." Barry said.

"Thanks, you look nice to." Kara said as they headed in.

"I'm glad you were okay with a place like this instead of fancy restaurant." Barry said as they sat down at a table in the bar.

"I prefer something like this for a first date. Not as much pressure and I want to save the fancy dates for until I know this a real thing between us." Kara said and Barry smiled as they ordered food.

"Well, that's good to know." Barry said.

The further they got into their date, the more Barry learned he and Kara had in common. Like him, she'd lost both of her parents young, though unlike him, both of her parents were dead while only his mother was dead and his father was falsely imprisoned for it. She'd lost her parents in a fire when she was 12, a year older then he'd been when he'd lost his parents.

She apparently had an older cousin, who, despite wanting to take her in after her parents died, had too much going on to take care of a 12 year old girl, so he'd taken her to friends of his, the Danvers, who'd taken her in and treated her like one of the family. It sounded a lot like what had happened to him. He told her how after his mom was killed and his father was sent to prison for it, he was taken in by his best friend Iris's family and treated like he was their son. His foster dad Joe was the best, though he kept trying to convince Barry that his father really was guilty. The thing that really drew Barry to Kara was that when he told her what happened, she didn't look at him like he was crazy like everyone else had.

She placed her hand on his and said "I believe you."

"You do." Barry asked.

"We live in a world where aliens walk among us. Where vigilantes put arrows into people and earthquake machines, where Superman exists. Why can't this man in yellow exist to?" Kara asked, since she'd actually met this man in yellow before. She'd never forget how Thawne had tried to cut into her and take out her heart.

"You're the first person who actually believes me about this. Not just say you do because you're sympathetic." Barry said.

"Those people, they haven't been through the things we have. They don't understand what those experiences can do to a person. How it impacts how we see the world." Kara said, since she understood Barry's pain, even if she didn't already remember him.

"It's nice to meet someone who actually understands what it's like." Barry said.

"So, you've been chasing the impossible ever since your dad was arrested?" Kara asked and Barry nodded.

"Pretty much." Barry said.

"Well, maybe you should stop chasing and wait for the impossible to come to you. Don't let all the things in life pass you by because you're obsessed with something." Kara said.

"Maybe." Barry said, thinking about it.

"Now, we are at a karaoke bar, so, why not get in the act." Kara said with a smile as she got up to go pick a song and Barry smiled as he heard Kara's beautiful voice begin singing Charlie Puth's One Call Away.

She seemed to take a bit of extra joy when she sang superman got nothing on me part, though he didn't yet realize she meant that literally.

"You're a great singer." Barry said as Kara sat back down.

"Thanks, I'm sure you're a talented singer to. Maybe we could do a song together some time." Kara said and Barry smiled.

"Maybe some other time. But does that mean you see another date in the future?" Barry asked.

"Only if you do." Kara said.

"Then I guess you do." Barry said and Kara smiled, though it was a bit forced, since she knew she was going to lose Barry for 9 months after tomorrow, since she knew she had to let events play out the way they had before, since it was only after the explosion that the Flash could reborn.

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