Chapter 61

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When Barry returned to the DEO, he had Cisco with him.

"So, Barry brought me up to speed on the plan. With some help, I can make a TCM simulator. If we use it on Kara, if the connection Grodd used goes both ways, we can use it to find any memories or thoughts Grodd left behind in her mind." Cisco said.

"What sort of help would you need?" Astra asked.

"Because Kryptonian minds are different than human ones. We'd need to be able to take that fact into account to make sure that the device functions properly." Cisco explained.

"If you build the device, I can then modify it to work on Kara." Zor-El said.

"I'll help Cisco build it." Jeremiah said.

"Let's get to work then." Cisco said.

After about an hour, the device was ready and Kara was now sitting in a chair, preparing to put on the helmet Cisco Jeremiah and her father had made.

"Hey, you okay?" Barry asked her.

"Yeah, it's just a little disturbing knowing that I'm going to be letting someone take over my head." Kara said.

"Hey, you'll be okay." Barry said.

"Barry, if at any point I start to act like him again, promise me you will cut the power, I don't care if we don't have everything we need, I won't let Grodd get into my head again." Kara said.

"I promise." Barry agreed.

"Okay, you ready." Cisco asked Kara.

"Yeah, now do it before I change my mind about letting you do it." Kara said as Cisco rolled his eyes before putting the helmet on her and turning it on. Kara's expression immediately went blank as Barry handed her a pen and pad of paper, which she took and immediately began drawing.

"She always was a good artist." Jeremiah said.

"How would you know. Weren't you absent most of Kara's life on Earth?" Cisco asked.

"I was, but Eliza stored all of the girl's old school projects. Kara was a very talented artist. She probably could've become a professional artist if she hadn't decided to go into journalism." Jeremiah explained.

"Got it." Cisco said as Kara finished drawing.

"What is it?" Alura asked as they cut the power.

"Well, did it work?" Kara asked.

"Yeah, now we just need to figure out who this is." Barry said as he took at look at the portrait Kara had sketched.

"You recognize this person?" J'onn asked.

"I do." Cisco said.

"Who is it?" J'onn asked.

"General Wade Eiling. I'm willing to bet that Grodd took control of Kara's brain to distract us." Cisco said.

"And why would that be the case?" J'onn asked.

"Eiling is the one to made Grodd what he is. Back before the explosion, Star Labs had a contract with the government to awaken soldier's latent mind reading capabilities for interrogation purposes, but Eiling was trying to create these super soldiers with telepathic and telekinetic abilities. Grodd was one of the test subjects that Eiling subjected to inhumane experiments. Thawne shut down the project when he found out, probably one of the only good things he ever did, but my guess would be is that Thawne was able to control Grodd to some degree and now that he's gone, my guess is that Grodd is out for revenge and he used a mind controlled Supergirl to distract us so we couldn't stop him." Cisco said.

"Where is Eiling now?" Barry said, since while he still despised that pathetic excuse for a man, he still couldn't let Grodd kill him.

"I'll get my agents on that right now. In the meantime, get your team here so they're ready to move out as soon as we have the location." J'onn said.

"Copy that." Cisco said as he opened a breach and jumped through it.

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