Chapter 29

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"So wait, you had a conversation with the source of your powers?" Iris asked after Barry filled them all in on what the Speed force had told him.

"The speed force is more than just the source of my power. It's honestly too hard to explain, but the point is that some speedster in the past created a prison in it that's currently become vacant. The speed force needs a new prisoner for it or it becomes unstable and the consequences could catastrophic." Barry said.

"So, now we know where to put Thawne, but we still need to figure out how to get him there." Cisco said.

"I think first order of business should be getting some reinforcements." Kara said.

"Like who?" Iris asked.

"My cousin for one thing. Something tells me he could use a break from wedding planning." Kara said with a chuckle.

"Superman, absolutely, who else?" Cisco asked.

"I can reach out to the Green Arrow and his team, see if any of them are willing to help." Kara said, since right now, only he, Barry and Cisco knew Team Arrow's real identities.

"Okay, anyone else?" Caitlin asked.

"Firestorm." Cisco said, since Ronnie and Stein had helped them take down Thawne in the first place.

"I'll talk to J'onn, see if the DEO can lend us any kind of support." Kara said and they all nodded in agreement with that.

"So, now we've got a plan on who to bring in to stop Thawne, now we just need to get them together so we can come up with a plan on how to stop him." Cisco said.

"Yeah, it sounds like we all have some phone calls to make." Barry said and they all nodded at that.

"We also need to try and avoid letting Thawne know we're onto him. We lose the element of surprise and we're done before we even start." Kara said and they all nodded.

To say J'onn was surprised when Kara flew into the DEO was an understatement.

"Supergirl, what brings you by?" J'onn asked.

"I need your help." Kara said and J'onn caught the meaning of that.

"With what?" J'onn asked.

"We've discovered that Harrison Wells is not who he says he is. He's a speedster like Barry, only evil. It's complicated and involves time travel, but he's the man who killed Barry's mother." Kara said.

"So what do you need from me?" J'onn asked.

"Come on J'onn, I know that you've been looking into Barry's powers ever since you found out about them. Did you find any sort of weaknesses we can exploit?" Kara asked.

"Cold." Jeremiah said as he approached them, since he and Eliza had moved to Central City so Jeremiah could continue working with the DEO.

"What?" Kara asked.

"Speed and cold are opposites. The colder an object is, the slower it's molecules are moving, so if you can expose Wells to cold, you'll slow him down." Jeremiah said, and now Kara understood why Cisco had created the cold gun in the first place.

"You shouldn't fight him without a means of defending yourself against him." Astra said as she joined the conversation.

"What are you talking about?" Kara asked.

"Has it occured to you that maybe Dr. Wells has prepared for a situation in case you helped uncover his identity and obtained Kryptonite to help better his odds against you?" Astra asked and now Kara thought about that problem.

"Any chance you can help out with that?" Kara asked and Astra nodded.

"I may not be as good a scientist as your father was Kara, but I was able to develop technology to shield our people from Kryptonite." Astra said as she handed Kara a small clip on device she immediately recognized.

"This will protect me?" Kara asked.

"Against radiation and energy blasts, yes, but you will still be vulnerable to kryptonite based alloys." Astra said.

"Good thing Wells can't get high enough to use those on me." Kara said as she hugged her aunt and then her foster father before flying out.

"You okay Astra?" Jeremiah asked.

"Yes, I just wish Alura could see Kara now. She'd be so proud of the woman her daughter's become." Astra said with a smile.

"She and Zor-El did a great job of raising Kara. they taught her the ideals she holds most." Jeremiah said.

"Maybe, but I think that you and Eliza had a lot to do with that to." Astra said.

"You mean Eliza. You forget, I missed out on most of Kara's life when she landed on earth." Jeremiah reminded her.

"Sorry to interrupt you two, but it's time to get back to work." J'onn said and they both nodded.

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