Chapter 120

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"Hey Cait, are you okay?" Jesse asked as they sat in a restaurant while they waited for the person they were meeting to arrive.

"Sorry, it's just, I haven't spoken to her in a very long time." Caitlin said.

"Still, this seems like something you should be looking forward to." Jesse said as their guest arrived.

"What should be?" Carla Tannhauser asked as she sat down with them.

"Hi mom." Caitlin said.

"Caitlin, I have to admit, I was surprised when I got your call." Carla said.

"I thought it was time you met my new girlfriend, Jesse Wells." Caitlin said, since she'd come out to her mother years ago.

"Really, any relation to Harrison Wells?" Carla asked and Jesse rolled her eyes, since even though they'd exposed that the man who blew up the city was not actually her father, several people still mistake him as her father.

"He's my father, but he did not blow up the city. You saw the news reports right?" Jesse asked.

"Yes, yes, of course." Carla said.

"Is that all you want to say mom?" Caitlin asked.

"Well, I am happy for you Caity." Carla said and Caitlin could tell that she was being genuine.

"Thank you mom." Caitlin said, right as Jesse's phone rang.

"Oh, this is Cisco at work, I need to take this." Jesse said as she got up.

"So, how have you been?" Carla asked.

"Well, since Star Labs reputation has been restored, so has mine." Caitlin said.

"Well, that's nice. How did you meet Ms. Wells." Carla asked.

"When I first met her, she was my subordinate, she works under me in Star Labs biochem division and things escalated from there." Caitlin said.

"Well, I am happy for you Caity." Carla said.

"Thank you. And mom, one more thing." Caitlin said.

"What?" Carla asked.

"I know about dad." Caitlin said.

"What exactly do you know about him?" Carla asked.

"I know he's trapped in the body of an ice monster." Caitlin said.

"You know about that?" Carla asked.

"Yeah and he's currently locked up in the new metahuman wing of Iron Heights and I am working on developing a cure for him." Caitlin said.

"How'd you find out about him?" Carla asked.

"From my sister, Thea." Caitlin said.

"Sister. From your father's affair." Carla said.

"I thought you two were divorced when Thea was born." Caitlin asked.

"We were, but before the ice demon took over your father"We were, but before the ice demon took over your father, we were still friends. I was trying to help him cure his demon before it took over him completely." Carla said, much to Caitlin's surprise.

"Well, maybe I should send my work to you, see if maybe you can help me bring our family back together." Caitlin said and Carla actually smiled.

"You'd really do that?' Carla asked.

"Mom, we're both guilty of pushing each other away and it all started when dad died. Even if you two don't get back together, I can at least get both my parents back." Caitlin said and Carla smiled at her.

"But will your boss approve of such a thing?" Carla asked.

"Considering that he spent most of his life trying to help his own father get out of prison, I'm sure Barry will approve, though I'll have to wait until he gets back from his honeymoon to ask him. But I think it will actually be fun having a little mother daughter project to work on." Caitlin assured her.

"So do I. I've missed you Caitlin." Carla said.

"And I actually missed you two mom." Caitlin said with a smile as they hugged.

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