Chapter 51

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After dinner, lots of people stuck around in the ballroom for some dancing, including Kara, Barry, Alex and Sara, though Zor-El, Alura, Jeremiah and Eliza had retired for the night.

"Hey, is that Bruce Wayne?" Sara asked, shocked at seeing one of the few men she knew was as rich as the Queens at the wedding.

"Oh yeah, he and Clark are good friends. I've actually met him myself." Kara said.

"Wait, when did you meet Bruce Wayne?" Alex asked.

"Come with me and you'll find out." Kara said as she and the others made their way over to where Bruce was standing with his date, a tall European looking woman with long, black hair.

"Kara, it's good to see you again." Bruce said.

"You to Bruce. Who's this?" Kara asked.

"This is my date. Diana Prince." Bruce said as Diana held out her hand to Kara.

"Nice to meet you." Diana said with an accent in her voice, but Kara couldn't place it.

"You to. This is my boyfriend Barry Allen, my sister Alex Danvers and her girlfriend Sara Lance." Kara said.

"So how do you two know each other?" Barry asked and Bruce looked hesitant to answer that.

"Does Diana know?" Kara whispered to him.

"Yeah she does. She's actually like us." Bruce answered.

"Good, because so do Barry, Alex and Sara." Kara said and now Bruce relaxed.

"We met the last time I was in Gotham." Kara said and then Barry connected the dots.

"Wait, you're?" Barry asked

"Batman. Yep. That's how I know that Kara is Supergirl and Clark is Superman." Bruce said.

"Wait, did Diana know that?" Alex asked worriedly.

"I already knew about Clark long before I met Bruce, since he's my ex, and I've known about Bruce for a few months now." Diana said.

"Wait, you wouldn't happen to dress in red, gold and blue would you?" Kara asked as she thought of reports she'd heard of Batman's new partner in Gotham.

"Yes, I'm Wonder Woman. But what about you three. How do you know about this?" Diana asked.

"Well Alex already knew I was Supergirl since we grew up together." Kara said and Alex nodded.

"And you Barry?" Bruce asked.

"I'm the Flash." Barry said.

"You're the Flash?" Diana asked.

"It's true. The fastest man alive." Kara said.

"And what about you Sara?" Bruce asked.

"I'm the White Canary." Sara said.

"Huh, interesting. So you know who the Green Arrow is?" Bruce asked.

"I do, but that is not my secret to tell." Sara said, trying to comprehend the fact that Bruce Wayne was Batman.

"I understand that. But still, we should work together some time." Bruce said and Sara chuckled.

"Are you kidding. At least half my team thinks that you're just an urban legend created by the Gotham Police Department to scare criminals." Sara said.

"I doubt the Green Arrow shares that opinion." Kara said, since she and Barry both knew that after their last trip to Gotham, Oliver was a firm believer in Batman.

"So who's watching Gotham if you both are here?" Alex asked.

"Batwoman. She's the newest addition to our team. What about Central City?" Bruce asked.

"Vibe and Firestorm." Barry said.

"No Phoenix?" Diana asked.

"Actually Phoenix is the best man's date. Speaking of, we need to let Iris know about this recent development." Kara said and Barry nodded as the music kept playing.

"Now Mr. Allen, shall we dance?" Kara asked and Barry smiled as he held out his hand to Kara, who took it as she let him lead her onto the dance floor.

So, I brought in Wonder Woman. What do you guys think about that?

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