Chapter 99

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Jesse was working late in her lab when she heard someone enter it and turned to see her boss and new girlfriend Caitlin enter her lab.

"Hey, what exactly are you doing that's so important that it requires you to stay so late?" Caitlin asked her with a smile.

"What can I say. Sometimes I get lost in my work." Jesse said.

"I know. But can I please know what exactly it is you're walking on and do not make me pull the boss card, since you know I hate doing that to you." Caitlin said.

"Fine. See for yourself." Jesse said as she moved aside to let Caitlin take a look at her computer.

"Wait, Jesse, these look formulas for some kind of drug." Caitlin said.

"It's a speed drug." Jesse said, causing Caitlin to look at her.

"A what?" Caitlin asked.

"Okay, I've been doing research on speedsters and I think I may have found a way to replicate their powers. This drug is designed to increase a speedster's speed tenfold, so imagine what it would do to a normal human." Jesse said.

"It could turn a normal human being into a speedster. That's impressive." Caitlin said.

"Yeah, the only problem is that it's currently unstable." Jesse said.

"What do you mean?" Caitlin asked.

"Every simulation I've run has initially yielded positive short term effects, but not only are the drug's effects not permanent, it's also lethal if used for a long period of time." Jesse said.

"Lethal how?" Caitlin asked.

"While it will allow the user to temporarily increase their speed, the catch is that it will also cause their cells to degenerate. It's like a reverse healing factor, since while normal speedster's cells can regenerate, anyone who uses this drug will experience the opposite effect." Jesse said.

"So you think you can crack the code?" Caitlin asked.

"I think I've been trying for weeks with no luck." Jesse said.

"Well, unlike you, I have access to a much more advanced lab, perks of being the head of the biochem division and more resources we can use. I want to help you crack this." Caitlin said.

"It sounds like there's a but coming." Jesse said.

"But, in order to proceed with a project like this, we'd need Barry's approval, since something like this could just easily hurt the world instead of help it." Caitlin said and Jesse nodded in understanding.

"What are the odds he'll say no?" Jesse asked.

"I doubt he will." Caitlin said.

"Absolutely not." Barry said after Caitlin had told him about this.

"Wait what?" Caitlin asked.

"If I'd known that Jesse was going to take her research this far, I never would've approved it. I told her that she could carry on in the hopes that she'd be be able to help us find a way to stop rogue speedsters in case there are any others besides Reverse Flash, not turn more people into speedsters." Barry said.

"But Barry, a drug like this could have revolutionary benefits. With speed healing, we could cure all disease." Caitlin said.

"Or we could end up being responsible for creating the next murderous speedster to terrorize this city. Look Cait, I'm sorry, I really do see where you're coming from with all this, but considering that Star Labs is finally starting to earn back the public's trust and grow again, I just don't think it's worth the risk to fund such dangerous research." Barry said.

"Barry, you can't be serious." Caitlin said.

"I am completely serious Caitlin. I won't ask Jesse to destroy her research, but she is not to continue it under any circumstances. This speed drug will be forgotten. Do I make myself clear?" Barry asked.

"Crystal." Caitlin said disgruntled as she walked away, right as Cisco entered Barry's lab.

"What was that about?" Cisco asked.

"Jesse has been developing V9." Barry said.

"Wait what?" Cisco asked.

"Exactly. Caitlin was asking me to give them permission to continue looking for a way to stabilize the drug. I immediately shot her down." Barry said.

"That's harsh. I mean I get why you did it, but still." Cisco said.

"We're already on Zoom watch, since we both know it's only a matter of time before he returns to this earth and I do not want to give him any more advantages." Barry said.

"You realize there's a good chance that Jesse and Caitlin are probably still going to work on that drug behind your back right?" Cisco asked.

"I do. That's why I want you to secretly install speedster sensors in their lab. That way we'll know if they get any unexpected visitors." Barry said and Cisco nodded in understanding.

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