Chapter 153

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Kara was lying under a yellow sun lamp as Caitlin examined her.

"The sun lamps are already helping you heal." Caitlin said.

"Yeah, I can feel it." Kara said as the pain began to slowly subside as she absorbed more solar radiation.

"How could Leslie have possibly hit Kara with enough force to actually injure her?" Barry asked.

"Without more data on Leslie's powers, we don't know." Caitlin asked.

"Well I think that lightning punching her actually made her stronger." Kara said.

"What makes you say that?" Cisco asked.

"I gave you guys access to the security footage at Catco. See for yourself." Kara said as Felicity did exactly that.

"She's right, check it out." Felicity said as she pulled up the fight on the main monitors.

"It looks she absorbed the lightning from Barry's punches, using them to charge up." Felicity said.

"Exactly, and then look, she can turn herself into living electricity to escape." Cisco pointed out.

"Maybe, her powers are dependent on how much energy she absorbs." Felicity said.

"I'm willing to bet it's not just electricity, but any energy that's used against her. Which severely limits the amount attacks we can use. No heat vision, no vibe blasts, no lightning tosses or punches, honestly, it might be best if Barry didn't come along at all next time." Kara said as she felt her system fully heal.

"What why?" Barry asked.

"Barry you have electricity coursing through your veins. Leslie can literally use you as a human battery to charge herself up." Kara said.

"She might even be able to drain your powers." Felicity said.

"So, I'm benched this time." Barry said.

"So am I since I can risk my vibe blasts hitting her and charging her up to." Cisco pointed out.

"What about me?" Caitlin asked.

"Cold, now that might be helpful." Kara said.

"She's right. Killer Frost's cold blasts aren't energy, which means Leslie can't power herself up off it." Felicity said.

"I don't have a suit at the moment though." Caitlin said.

"What do you mean?" Kara asked.

"I asked Cisco for a suit upgrade and he hasn't finished it yet." Caitlin said.

"But in the meantime, I did fix your old suit. You can use it until I finish it." Cisco said and Caitlin nodded.

"Fine, but don't make me wait. Killer Frost is getting impatient." Caitlin said with a grin, which Barry, Felicity and Kara all laughed at as Cisco squirmed.

"If it makes her feel any better, she's going to be the first one to get a new line of suit tech I'm working on." Cisco said and Caitlin smirked at him.

"Better." Caitlin said as Cisco handed her back her old suit ring.

"Felicity, do you have any ideas on how to track Livewire." Kara asked, right as the computers beeped.

"I just did. It was pretty easy actually, since all I had to do was scan for any strange electrical surges in Central City." Felicity said.

"Where is she." Kara asked.

"Oh this is ironic. She's in your neighborhood." Felicity said.

"She's going to finish the job." Kara said.

"Too bad she'll be in for a surprise when she gets there. Let's suit up." Kara said to Caitlin, who nodded as they moved to suit up.

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