Chapter 49

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When Barry arrived at the hotel he and Kara would be staying at in Metropolis, he just walked up to the front desk since Kara had texted him that she'd already checked them in, since Lois had actually asked her to come up a couple of days early for some reason, though Kara had told him that she suspected it was to help Lois gang up on Clark to avoid being Superman until after their honeymoon, which they had changed to Argo City at the last minute for exactly that reason.

"Barry." Alex said, getting his attention as she and Sara exited the elevator.

"Alex, Sara, it's good to see you guys. Any idea where Kara is?" Barry asked.

"Last I talked to her, she was going to pick her parents up from the airport." Alex said, since Clark and Lois had invited Zor-El and Alura to the wedding as soon as Clark had found out about them.

"By the way, what names are they going under?" Barry asked curiously.

"Zach and Melissa Starr." Alex said.

"Nice names. Let's just hope they don't forget their own names." Barry said and Sara laughed.

"Well considering how advanced they are, I doubt they will." Sara said.

"What about you, your parents coming in?" Barry asked Alex.

"They got in around the same time we did. Of course we had to take a plane, since unlike you and Kara, we have to get around the old fashioned way." Alex said.

"Well next time a particle accelerator explodes, try to get hit by lightning." Barry said simply as Kara entered the hotel lobby with her parents.

"Nice to see you made it." Kara said as she hugged her boyfriend before he looked over at her parents.

"Zach, Melissa." Barry said, calling them by their new human names, mostly to see if they remembered them. Thankfully they did.

"Barry." Zor-El said as he held out his hand, which Barry then shook.

"Nice to see you made it here in one piece." Barry said.

"Why wouldn't we?" Alura asked.

"It's just an expression, Earth has a lot of weird ones." Kara assured her mother.

"So anyways, any ideas on why Lois asked you to come out early?" Alex asked Kara as they moved to sit down in the lobby.

"For the exactly the reason I suspected. To make sure Clark knows that any problems that require Superman will be solved by Supergirl instead until after his honeymoon." Kara said as she got up, signalling her super hearing was in use.

"And speaking of, gotta go." Kara said as she headed out.

"Wonder where's going?" Barry asked.

"Not sure, but if she needs help, we'll see it on the news or she'll call. One or the other." Alex said casually as she helped Zor-El and Alura get checked in and Barry did the same.

When Supergirl arrived at the scene her hearing had led to, she wasn't sure what to expect, but seeing Reactron again did put a small smile on her face, since she already knew exactly how to beat him.

"Reactron." Supergirl called out as he turned to face her.

"You're not who I was looking for." Reactron snarled.

"Yeah well, Superman's busy offworld at the moment, so you'll have to settle for me. Is that a problem?" Supergirl asked.

"Not at all." Reactron said as he flew up to meet her.

"I know you are. Or who you were. Ben Krull. What happened to you and your wife was a tragedy. But this isn't what she would want." Supergirl said.

"Well she can't really tell me what she wants because of your cousin. I thought killing him would be the closest thing I'd get to revenge, but now I see, killing you, the only family he has left, that'll be even better." Reactron said.

"Try it." Supergirl said.

"Gladly." Reactron said as he fired his energy blasts, but Supergirl countered with her heat vision as she managed to reach her comms.

"Flash, do you read me?" Supergirl asked as she managed to overpower Reactron.

"Yeah, what's up?" Barry asked as he prepared to suit up.

"I need you to get me enough lead to encase my hand in. It's the only way I can safely disable Reactron's suit, I'll explain later." Supergirl said.

"I'm on it." Barry said as he got off the comms.

"What's going on?" Alura asked.

"Kara needs my help to shut down Reactron's suit." Barry said.

"What does she need?" Alex asked.

"Lead. Enough to encase her hand in it. She didn't say why." Barry said.

"She must be trying to remove the power core from Reactron's suit. It'll disable it immediately and leave him powerless. She needs lead to contain the core so it doesn't nuke Metropolis once it's removed." Alex said.

"I'm on it." Barry said as he sped out into his suit and out of the hotel.

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