Chapter 62

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Wade Eiling was on his way out to his car from the army base to go home, but to his shock, he found his car had been crushed by something big, strong and to his surprise, hairy.

"What the hell?" Eiling asked as he heard a strange voice in his head.

"Hello General." the voice said as Eiling turned to see a giant gorilla standing in front of him.

"Oh my god." Eiling said, truly terrified.

"Not god General. Grodd." the gorilla corrected as he prepared to crush Eiling, but suddenly, a breach opened and out of nowhere, Supergirl flew out of it and punched him.

"That's for making me try to kill my team." Supergirl said as Flash sped out of the breach, followed closely by Phoenix, Firestorm and Vibe.

"Whoa, that is one big boy." Firestorm said.

"Ah man I wanted to say that." Vibe said.

"Can you two or three, it's confusing, please knock it off and take this seriously." Phoenix snapped.

"Guys, are the psychic dampeners working?" Caitlin asked over the comms.

"So far." Supergirl said.

"You may be protected from me, but he isn't." Grodd said telepathically.

"What are you talking about?" Flash asked, right as he just barely managed to miss a bullet as he turned to face Eiling holding up a gun.

"Grodd's mind controlling Eiling." Flash said, right as more bullets ricocheted off of Supergirl's chest as they saw more army soldiers walk out.

"It's not just Eiling, it looks like he's got every soldier in the base under his control. His powers shouldn't be that strong yet." Vibe said.

"Wait, see that device on his head?" Phoenix said, pointing as the glowing red and silver device on Grodd's head.

"That device is probably what's boosting his powers. We need to get it off him." Flash said.

"I don't think so Flash." Grodd said through Eiling as at least half of the soldiers put their guns to their heads.

"What are you doing?" Supergirl demanded.

"You try and touch me and I'll make these people kill themselves." Grodd said.

"Can't you disarm them?" Firestorm asked Flash and Supergirl.

"Not fast enough to stop Grodd from getting all of them from shooting themselves, not to mention there's the other half of the soldiers." Supergirl said.

"So he's using them as human shields. We can't touch him as long as he's controlling all these people." Phoenix said.

"Can't we just blast that thing off him?" Firestorm asked as both he and Phoenix brought fireballs to their hands.

"Even if we did, we couldn't get a clear shot." Supergirl said and Grodd grinned as suddenly as suddenly, bullets began raining down on them.

Flash grabbed Vibe and sped him out of the line of fire as Supergirl let the bullets bounce off her while Phoenix and Firestorm flew into the air.

"Cisco, I need to you to breach me there now." Caitlin said over the comms.

"What, Caitlin, are you insane?" Vibe asked.

"Just do it. I was always nice to Grodd, he might be have a soft spot for me. After all, he is going off emotion since he clearly wants revenge on Eiling for his cruelty. Maybe I can talk him down." Caitlin said.

"Do it. She knows what she's doing." Flash said to Vibe, who sighed and nodded as he opened a breach and Caitlin jumped out, dressed all in black.

"What's with the wardrobe?" Vibe asked, though he had an idea.

"Just in case." Caitlin said as she walked up to Grodd.

"Grodd." Caitlin called out.

"Caitlin." Grodd said and they could hear his voice soften up a bit.

"It's me Grodd." Caitlin said.

"You were always kind." Grodd said.

"I know. And I know what Eiling did to you was wrong in so many ways, but don't become worse than him just for revenge." Caitlin said.

"I am what father made me to be and if I cannot have him, then I will do what he could not. First get my revenge. Then get his on Flash." Grodd said and Caitlin realized that Grodd was beyond reasoning.

"Well, if reason won't work, I guess we can try the other way." Caitlin said.

"You think you can stop me?" Grodd asked and he honestly sounded a bit amused by the thought.

"I can't, but I think she can." Caitlin said as she prepared herself for what she was about to do, since once she did, there was no going back.

"Who can?" Grodd asked and to everyone's surprise, Caitlin's eyes turned silver, her lips turned blue and her hair turned white as icy mist began pouring from her hands.

"Me. Call me Killer Frost." Killer Frost said and Flash and Vibe grinned at the return of their old friend, right as Killer Frost ice blasted Grodd, freezing him in place.

"Supergirl, can I get some help freezing him?" Killer Frost asked and Supergirl nodded as she used her freeze breath.

"What are you doing to me?" Grodd demanded.

"Getting the others a clear shot at that device on your head." Killer Frost said, since she and Supergirl were now circling Grodd, trying to make the ice they were freezing him with as thick as possible to hold him still.

"You heard her." Flash said to Phoenix and Firestorm, who both nodded and began lobbing fireballs at the device on Grodd's head until finally, it was blasted off his head and they could instantly tell that Grodd's mental abilities were diminished without the device, since almost immediately every soldier came back to their senses.

"Let's put his lights out." Vibe said.

"I hear that." Supergirl said as she finally stopped using her freeze breath and knocked Grodd with a punch so strong it both shattered the ice surrounding him and sent him flying as Flash began charging up a lightning bolt while Phoenix and Firestorm took to the sky and fire blasted Grodd downwards at the same moment Flash tossed up his lightning bolt while Vibe vibe blasted him into the ground, rendering Grodd unconscious.

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