Chapter 102

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Despite the fact that Barry had refused to continue funding Jesse's research into V9 as they'd started calling it, Jesse and Caitlin continued looking into the drug's effects, trying to find a way to stabilize it, but so far, they hadn't had much luck.

"I wish I could figure out why Barry shelled my research, I mean we could've cracked this by now if we didn't have to be so secretive about working on it." Jesse said.

"I'm trying to get him to come around on this, but so far no luck." Caitlin said.

"Maybe we should try reaching out to some other sources for help." Jesse suggested.

"Jesse, if we do that, than we are risking both of our careers." Caitlin said.

"Cait, it's the only way to crack this code for right now, since I doubt Barry will change his mind any time soon." Jesse said.

"Fine, but we need to be careful about it. But we need to limit who we involve in this." Caitlin said and Jesse nodded.

"Agreed. I just wish we knew where to start." Jesse said.

"Well, we can't go to anyone here, since they'll probably report us to Barry, so we should look outside Star Labs. I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I can reach out to my mother, see if there's someone at her company who can help us." Caitlin said, right as Jesse's phone went off.

"Or someone could reach out to help." Jesse said as she checked her phone.

"What?" Caitlin asked.

"Back when I was in the early stages of developing the drug, I was a bit more free to look for help and this scientist approached me with resources, apparently he'd also been trying to create a speed drug, so he reached out to me and offered for us to share our research. I saw no reason to refuse and I reached out to him after Barry shot us down. He's willing to help us finish this." Jesse said.

"Okay, but what's his name?" Caitlin asked.

"Hunter Zolomon." Jesse said.

"I'd like to meet him in person before I agree to anything." Caitlin said and Jesse nodded, since that was both reasonable and understandable.

"I'll set it up." Jesse said.

"Good and we're still on for date night tonight right?" Caitlin asked.

"Yep." Jesse assured her.

"Barry, can I come in?" Cisco asked as he entered Barry's lab.

"Yeah sure. I think I'm getting close to cracking the Gideon AI we saw in the Time Vault." Barry said.

"Whoa seriously?" Cisco asked as he came to take a look.

"Well, it's not quite as advanced, considering that Gideon was from the future, but still, it should be operational." Barry said.

"Cool." Cisco said.

"You wanted to talk to me?" Barry asked, getting back to why Cisco was here.

"The bug you had me plant in Caitlin's lab, it just informed me that Caitlin and Jesse are planning on meeting with a Hunter Zolomon to discuss the V9." Cisco said and that got Barry's attention.

"Find out where the meeting is going down and the monitor it to see if there's anyone there vibrating at a different frequency than earth one people." Barry said.

"I'm on it." Cisco said, knowing why Barry was so on edge right now.

"Good. I'd like to have Zoom wrapped up and serving the Speed force again before the wedding, since I do not want my dad anywhere near that monster." Barry said.

"We'll make sure he's gone before you say I do." Cisco said.

"Thanks man." Barry said.

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