Chapter 118

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Sara entered the apartment she shared with Alex in National City with takeout food in her arms to find her fiance on the phone.

"Okay, yeah, great. Let me know how everything goes." Alex said as she hung up.

"What was that about?" Sara asked as she placed the food down on the counter and went in for a quick kiss, which Alex gladly gave her.

"That was Lyla, apparently your old team has managed to track down Dante. It's a long story, but Lyla assures me that they have it under control." Alex said.

"Huh, now that I think about it, we should've brought Oliver and Team Arrow in on that investigation sooner." Sara said and Alex shrugged.

"Live and learn I guess. Now, mind telling me why you're home late. Again?" Alex asked.

"You forget that a majority of my team left to join Rip Hunter. It's just me and Wally protecting National City now. We were busting up a drug ring. But hey, at least I picked up dinner on my way home." Sara said with a smile and Alex couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, now that you're home, maybe you can help me plan our wedding." Alex said.

"Let me go shower off and then happily." Sara said as she moved to head towards the bathroom, though she did not close or lock the door behind her, sending Alex a clear message, which she happily picked up on.

The next day, Alex and Sara, who was technically a DEO agent, since she refused to rely on her sister's money or Alex's job to pay for her, were investigating a crime scene regarding what looked like an alien kidnapping.

"I thought that Central City was alien central." Sara said as she walked up to her fiance.

"It was before Supergirl showed up. Now they get mostly metas and the aliens have come here. Why do you think we built a base out here. National City has sort of become the new alien hub in the country." Alex answered.

"Any ideas on who did this?" Sara asked.

"Still looking into it, but it sounds like whoever did this were pros. They had tech to dampen alien powers and they made sure that any security cameras were disabled." Alex said as a new person that was actually familiar to her approached them.

"Hey, you can't be here. This is a federal crime scene." Alex said and now Sara heard the bite in her voice.

"Alex is that you?" the woman asked.

"Alex, you know this woman?" Sara asked.

"Yeah, Sara, this is my ex-girlfriend Maggie Sawyer. Maggie, this is my fiance, Sara Lance." Alex said and now Sara understood the hard tone Alex was using, since she'd heard about how Maggie had cheated on Alex.

"Fiance, wow." Maggie said.

"What are you doing here?" Sara asked.

"I'm NCPD. This is my jurisdiction." Maggie said.

"Not anymore. We got here first and federal jurisdiction trumps city jurisdiction. My people have this under control." Alex said angrily.

"Alex, calm down. I'm sure an extra set of eyes couldn't hurt." Sara said as Alex walked away.

"Looks like she's still holding a grudge." Maggie said.

"She found you cheating on her while you two were living together. Did you honestly think that she'd just forget about that." Sara asked, since now that she no longer had to play peacemaker, she was able to get angry at her for hurting Alex.

"Yeah, I've been thinking a lot about that decision and I realize how stupid I was. I never should've let her get away." Maggie said.

"Stupid that you cheated on her or stupid that you got caught cheating on her." Sara asked.

"The first one." Maggie said.

"I agree. Alex is a really special woman and she should be treated as such." Sara said.

"Hey, no reason to get jealous, I'm not gonna make a move on her if she's engaged. Congratulations by the way." Maggie said.

"Thank you." Sara said coldly, since even though she wasn't necessarily jealous anymore, she wasn't very going to forgive the person who'd caused Alex so much pain and heartbreak.

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