Chapter 79

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I want to thank WritersBlock039 for helping me come up with part of this idea. Honestly, there are a lot of parts in both these stories that they've helped me figure out how to give them and it's about time I give them some credit for it. Anyways, on with the story.

J'onn had just returned home to his apartment in Central City, eager to just unwind after a particularly stressful day at the DEO, but before he could even sit down, he staggered as he suddenly felt himself being hit by what felt like psychic wave.

"What the?" J'onn asked as suddenly, he heard a voice that he never thought he'd hear again.

"J'onn." the voice said from behind him and J'onn whirled around to see his father standing in front of him.

"Father? How is this possible. You're dead." J'onn said in disbelief.

"No my son. I once thought the same of you, but it is me. I am alive. On Mars." M'yrnn said.

"How is that possible?" J'onn asked.

"I do not have much time J'onn. It is only a matter of time until my captors detect this message and come for not only me, but you." M'yrnn said.

"Where on Mars are you Father? I'll come free you." J'onn said.

"A prison camp near the D'ori'i crater. But J'onn, you must not come here. You are a symbol of freedom to any other survivors of our people.' M'yrnn said.

"I will not allow you to suffer at the hands of those monsters any longer now that I know you're alive." J'onn said.

"I must go now. J'onn, I beg you not come back here and risk capture as well, but if you do, I hope that next time I see you, it will not be with you as a prisoner like me." M'yrnn said as he faded away.

"It won't be father. But I am coming for you." J'onn said he quickly moved to leave his apartment.

Kara and Barry were getting settled in for the night when there was a knock on their door.

"Who's that?" Barry asked as Kara used her x-ray vision to check.

"J'onn." Kara said, confused as she went over to get the door.

"J'onn, not that it isn't good to see you, but what brings you here so late?" Kara asked.

"I need your help." J'onn said.

"You know my team and I are always willing to help." Kara said.

"Not your team Kara, just you." J'onn said.

"What's going on?" Kara asked as Barry joined them.

"I'm going back to Mars." J'onn said.

"What, no offense J'onn, but why would you do that? You told us that the white martians have been trying to kill your kind for centuries. Why would you want to go back?" Barry asked, but Kara had an idea.

"None taken Barry. I was wrong. There is another Green Martian left. They've been held prisoner on Mars all this time and they've finally reached out to me. I have to help them." J'onn said.

"Do you know who this Green Martian is?" Kara asked, though she already knew.

"Yes. It's my father. He's still alive." J'onn said.

"Okay, so what do you need my help with?" Kara asked, already preparing to make plans to handle things at Catco.

"I need you to help me rescue him, since unlike the rest of your team, you can actually survive on Mars." J'onn said.

"Give a little time to get things settled at Catco and then of course I'll help. Barry and the others can protect the city in my absence." Kara said and Barry nodded.

"Of course we can. You help J'onn save his father." Barry said.

"Thank you Barry." J'onn said and Barry nodded.

"I already have James set to handle things at Catco, so I just need to bring him up to speed on things and have him handle it until I get back and then we can go." Kara said and J'onn nodded, thankful Kara was willing to help him.

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