Chapter 93

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Kendra was on her way out to her car after her shift at Jitters when suddenly, a dark shadow fell over her and she turned and screamed when she saw a man with giant bird wings flying towards her.

She thought he was done for when suddenly, Supergirl appeared out of nowhere and slammed into the man before he could touch her.

"Don't worry, you're safe. But to just to safe anyways, run." Supergirl said and Kendra wasted no time in following that advice as Supergirl quickly injected Hawkman with the sedative Cisco had given her.

When Carter woke up, he found himself in some kind of prison cell.

"Where am I?" Carter asked.

"Somewhere even you can't escape until you tell us what's going on." Supergirl said as she, the Flash and Vibe stood outside the DEO prison cell, since they were still welcomed at the Central City base and they had proof that Carter's powers were the result of alien technology.

"You're making a mistake locking me up." Carter said.

"We'll let you out once you explain why you attacked that woman." Flash promised.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Carter said.

"Try us." Vibe said.

"Don't bother trying to break out of the cell. It's lined with Nth metal, the strongest metal in the universe, even I can't break it." Supergirl advised and Carter sighed and nodded as he told them the story that he wasn't aware they already knew.

"And you're that that woman, Kendra Saunders, is this priestess Chay-Ara?" Supergirl asked.

"I know she is. I was trying to get her to remember." Carter said.

"And you thought that kidnapping her would do that. You really didn't think that through." Flash said.

"What do you want?" Carter asked.

"To help you. It sounds like this Savage guy is a real threat to not just you and Kendra, but also to everyone. So, we'll help you get through to Kendra and take down Savage, as long as you agree to do it our way." Flash said.

"And why should I trust people I don't even know?" Carter demanded.

"He's got a point." Vibe said as he took off his goggles.

"You're Cisco Ramon." Carter said.

"Yep." Cisco said as Flash and Supergirl caught his drift as Flash removed his cowl.

"Barry Allen is the Flash." Carter said as he looked towards Supergirl.

"Well, I don't have a mask to remove, but my real name is Kara Danvers." Kara said.

"So, you trust us now?" Barry asked as he and Cisco quickly put their masks back on, since most agents of the DEO didn't know their identities and for now, they planned to keep it that way.

"Enough to agree to your terms." Carter said as Supergirl opened the cell to let him out.

"Thank you." Carter said as he held out his hand to her, which Kara shook.

"You can thank us by telling us everything you know about Savage so we can try and find a weakness." Cisco said and Carter nodded.

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