Chapter 11

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When Barry and Kara arrived at Star Labs, Dr. Wells, Caitlin and Iris were all surprised to see Barry run into the lab at superspeed with dark yellow lightning trailing off him while Cisco pretended to be surprised.

"How did you do that?" Iris asked, shocked.

"I guess you weren't the only one affected by the accelerator explosion." Barry said and Wells nodded and Barry had to work so hard not to shove his hand through Thawne's heart right now. That bastard had not only killed his mom, but he'd also gotten Eddie and Ronnie killed to. It took so much willpower not to kill him, but he also knew that he couldn't, since he needed Thawne alive to confess.

"We should work on teaching Barry how to control these powers." Cisco said and Barry nodded.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Wells said.

"Well, do bad it's not your call Dr. Wells. You're already teaching Iris to be a hero, why not teach me to?" Barry asked, even though he already knew how to be a hero, but Thawne didn't know that yet.

"Fine. Cisco, I'm assuming you're already thinking of creating a suit for Mr. Allen?" Wells asked, seeing he was outnumbered.

"Oh yeah. And myself, since remember, only people in this room without powers are you and Caitlin." Cisco said, since he'd revealed his powers in the form of a surprised Vibe blast shortly before Iris had joined their ranks.

"What about me? I swear, how can I be a superhero when I don't have an outfit like Kara's?" Iris asked.

"Relax, I'm working on it. But Barry, I would like to study your powers more in depth. In case we run into any other people with your abilities. See if we can find a way to stop them." Cisco said and Barry nodded, knowing that Cisco needed an excuse to create the cold gun, specifically to use against Thawne this time.

"Well, I should probably go tell Joe and my dad that I'm awake." Barry said.

"Barry, don't tell my dad about your powers. I haven't told him about mine because we both know how he'll react." Iris said and Barry nodded.

"I'll try, but remember, I work with Joe, which means there's a chance he'll find out." Barry said.

"Hey Cisco, can I talk to you in private for a minute?" Kara asked and Cisco nodded as he let her pull hims aside.

"How good are you at hacking?" Kara asked.

"Pretty good, why?" Cisco asked, wondering what Kara was up to.

"I know that the DEO is hiding something about what happened to my adoptive father Jeremiah Danvers, I just don't know what. I was hoping you could hack into their records so I can find out what really happened to him." Kara said.

"What do you really want me to do this for?" Cisco asked.

"I need an excuse to tell J'onn I know who he really is." Kara said simply and Cisco nodded.

"I'm on it." Cisco said as he moved to get to work on doing that.

After Cisco had essentially confirmed that Jeremiah's disappearance was basically the same in this reality, Kara had also gone to ask Clark and she'd practically forced him to tell her the truth about J'onn, which was why she was now flying to the DEO.

"Supergirl, what brings you here?" Hank asked when he saw her land.

"I need to talk to you about something in private." Kara said and Hank nodded, though confused as he led Kara somewhere more private.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Hank asked.

"My adoptive father. J'onn." Kara said, calling him by his real name and taking a small bit of pleasure at seeing his shock.

"How did you?" J'onn asked.

"I found out that Jeremiah used to work for the DEO about a year after I landed on earth, which meant that the plane crash they told us he died in was probably faked. It took some work and digging, but a friend of mine got the real report from the DEO and I convinced Clark to tell me what he knew about you after you came back from that mission. Don't worry, your secret's safe with me." Kara was quick to assure him.

"It is nice to have someone who knows the truth besides your cousin." J'onn said.

"Maybe you can tell me what really happened to Jeremiah." Kara said and J'onn nodded as he told her the full story, which she already knew, but he didn't know she knew.

"J'onn, have you considered going public with your identity? Your people still live on you, but only if you show the world who you are." Kara said.

"I've tried living on this planet as J'onn J'onzz and all people see me as is a a monster." J'onn said.

"Because you've done nothing to change that perception of yourself. People don't just trust me and Clark because we look human. They trust us because we've earned their trust by protecting people. Times have changed. The world is ready to accept you, but only if you're ready to accept it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have something else to check in on." Kara said J'onn nodded as Kara flew out of the base, leaving him to think about what she said.

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