Chapter 18

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I'm sorry to disappoint people, but the Superman from before the reality change will not be in this story, mainly because I feel like he'd still only be serving a recurring role in it. Kara, Barry, Cisco, they're all main characters of this story and also while Superman will have more appearances in this story, I feel like if I use him to much, the story might be a bit more focused on him instead of Barry and Kara. I'm sorry to disappoint, but Superman has no idea of the reality change and he will not remember.

The next day, Barry arrived at Star Labs to find Kara already there with her cousin, who was now being introduced to the rest of their team.

"Mr. Allen, how nice of you to join us." Wells said and Barry had to resist the urge to shove his hand through Thawne's heart.

"Sorry I'm late, I was meeting my dad." Barry said.

"Kara told me about your father Barry. I'm gonna look into it, see if I can help find any clues." Clark told him.

"Thank you Clark." Barry said with a smile at the look on Wells' face, since he could tell that Thawne hadn't anticipated Superman or Supergirl getting involved in his plans.

"Oh Barry, I have a little gift for you." Cisco said, tossing him something.

"Well, little's right." Barry said as he caught the item and saw it was golden ring with a red background with a gold lightning bolt on top of it.

"It's like Kara's ring." Cisco said as Kara showed her ring, which looked exactly like his, only hers had a blue background with her family crest on it.

"What is he talking about?" Clark asked as Kara demonstrated by using her ring and speed to enter her suit.

"Whoa, cool." Barry said.

"Yeah, I just finished working on your suit, so, give it a shot." Cisco said and Barry nodded as he held up his ring, already knowing exactly what to do with it as a sleek red suit came shooting out of it and Barry sped into it and saw that it was exactly the same suit he'd worn before the reality had been reset.

"This is a super suit." Barry said and Cisco grinned.

"Impressive. You found a way to store super suits inside those rings." Clark said.

"I used a form of advanced compressed microtechnology to do it. Figured it would be easier than carrying the suit around in a bag or wearing it under your clothes." Cisco said.

"You're not wrong. Any chance you could make one for me?" Clark asked and Cisco nearly fainted at the opportunity to modify Superman's suit. The look on his face was enough to make Kara, Barry, Caitlin and Iris all laugh.

"I can do that and one better. The DEO provided me with the chemical composition of Kryptonite, not so I could synthesize, but to see if I could find a way to shield a kryptonian from its effects and I did. I've already upgraded Kara's suit to have the technology embedded in the S on her suit and I can do the same for yours." Cisco offered.

"Even better. I think you just earned an invite to my wedding." Clark said.

"So, you and Lois Lane are finally tying the knot." Iris said and Clark nodded.

"Speaking of Lois, Iris, Barry mentioned you were studying to be a reporter and Lois wants to meet with you to give you some tips." Clark said and now Iris was the one who almost fainted, since Lois Lane was one of her biggest heroes.

"Tell her I'm available whenever she is." Iris said immediately and Clark smiled.

"Hey Clark, while you're here, there's something I've always wondered." Kara said with a smile.

"What?" Clark asked.

"Which one of us is faster?" Kara asked and Clark grinned.

"You are so on." Clark said.

"A race between Superman and Supergirl. Give me a minute to set up some cameras on the airfield and we can have a race." Cisco said and both Kryptonians nodded.

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