Chapter 152

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"So, Leslie Willis did this?" Joe asked Kara as he interviewed her as the CCPD took stock of the crime scene.

"Yeah, a little heads up about her being a meta would've been nice." Kara said, giving Joe a look.

"Had I known what she'd do, I would've, but at the time I released her, I had no reason to suspect she'd do anything like this." Joe said.

"Fair point." Kara acknowledged as she rubbed her shoulder.

"You okay?" Joe asked.

"Yeah, that lightning blast she hit me with was stronger than I thought." Kara said.

"You sure you shouldn't go to a hospital?" Joe asked.

"I'll have Caitlin look me over once this is done, since I'm closing the office for the rest of the day and depending on whether or not Leslie is captured, I might keep it closed tomorrow." Kara said.

"Any idea what her motive was?" Joe asked, getting back on track.

"Revenge on me I'm guessing. She wasn't very happy with how I cut her pay." Kara said and Joe nodded.

"Some people just don't like it when they get taught a harsh lesson." Joe said.

"Tell me about it. And the Flash sure took his sweet time to get here." Kara said.

"What about Supergirl?" Joe asked as Kara lowered her voice.

"I couldn't risk changing without exposing my identity." Kara said and Joe nodded.

"Fair enough. Anyways, once we're done with the crime scene, you should all be free to go." Joe said.

"Thank you." Kara said.

"We'll get her Kara." Joe said.

"I know." Kara said, since she already knew how to do it as Barry walked into the office.

"Thank god you're okay." Barry said as he played the part of a worried husband perfectly as he hugged Kara.

"Allen, what are you doing here, you're not a CSI anymore." Singh asked when he noticed Barry there.

"I called him. He is my husband after all." Kara reminded Singh.

"Sorry about that." David said.

"It's fine captain. What happened to Julian?" Barry asked, since he didn't see the British scientist anywhere.

"He moved back to England. This is our forensic scientist, Patty Spivot." Singh said and Barry had to keep a look of surprise off his face at the sight of his ex flame walking towards.

"So, you're the famous Barry Allen. You've left quite a legacy behind at CCPD." Patty said.

"Really?" Barry asked.

"It's true Allen. You were one of the best CSIs we ever had. I was sorry to see you go, but you look like you've found your calling." Singh said.

"I was sorry to go to Captain, but I really only became a CSI to clear my father's name and now that I've done that, I really didn't see much point in continuing when I'm able to do much more with Star Labs." Barry said.

"Fair enough. Joe, I think we've got everything we need here. Mrs. Allen, we'll call you when we catch Ms. Willis, but until then, I recommend you stay home, since I hear your husband had his best technicians install a state of the art security system, so you should be safe." Singh said.

"I will take that under advisement captain. Thank you." Kara said.

"And please, call me David." Singh said.

"Are you sure?" Barry asked.

"Barry, we're friends and you don't work for me anymore. I think we can go on a first name basis now." Singh said.

"Okay then David. We'll be in touch." Barry said.

"No doubt." David said as he and the other cops left.

"We should get to Star Labs and get you under a yellow sun lamp and have Caitlin take a look at you." Barry said to his wife.

"Agreed, she was a lot more powerful than I thought she'd be. She clearly was trying to do more than hurt me, I'm pretty sure she was trying to fry me. If I was a human, she would've." Kara said as Barry noticed just how much pain she appeared to be in.

"Come on. I'll have Cisco breach us to the base." Barry said and Kara nodded as she actually began leaning on Barry for support, due to the pain becoming more and more apparent to her.

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