Chapter 19

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Barry was currently sparring with Kara, though it was both of them using their superspeed, since while none of Barry's strikes could actually hurt her, it did allow him to actually practice fighting at superspeed, something he hadn't been able to do before and he had to admit, it was nice. Now when Thawne decided to reveal himself this time, he'd be prepared to actually fight him.

"You're getting better." Kara said, since even though Barry already knew how to fight at superspeed, he still appreciated Kara teaching him, mostly because it gave him an excuse to spend time with her.

"Thanks, but you know, maybe some of our dates should actually be dates." Barry said and Kara smiled.

"Not sure there's really a restaurant in the city that can accommodate both of us." Kara said.

"We can figure something out." Barry said but before Kara could respond, Cisco came on over the PA system.

"Kara, you need to get to the cortex. J'onn is here." Cisco said.

"He wouldn't drop by unannounced unless it was important. Come on." Kara said and Barry nodded as they both ran to the cortex.

"What's wrong?" Kara asked.

"Alex is missing." J'onn said and Kara immediately went into panic mode.

"Where was she last seen?" Kara asked.

"She was abducted in Star City, but so far neither Argus nor Team Arrow have had any luck finding her or Sara Lance." J'onn said.

"Well when whoever took Alex obviously didn't consider who her sister was. I'm heading to Star City." Kara said.

"Not alone you're not." Barry said.

"Barry, I'm glad you want to help, but we can't leave Central City unprotected. Besides, this is your chance to sort of set yourself outside of my shadow. I'll be back as soon as my sister is safe." Kara said as she quickly kissed Barry's cheek before she and J'onn walked out of the Cortex.

"Iris, you ready for some field work?" Barry asked the other female metahuman on the team.

"Absolutely. I'm getting tired of Supergirl and the Flash getting all the credit." Iris said, since Barry had made his debut helping Kara stop simple crimes at first as the Flash, since she'd emphasized starting small and working his way up. A style that Wells or Thawne or whatever you wanted to call him, Barry considered him a son of a bitch that he'd enjoy eventually taking down, agreed with.

"Then I guess it's a good time to mention I finally finished your suit." Cisco said as he tossed Iris her own golden ring, this one with a flame insignia on it.

"Nice." Iris said as she slid the ring on.

"Well, try it out." Cisco said as Iris did exactly that as a new suit came flying out of the ring and she used her fire powers to act like speed booster and allowed her to enter her new suit with ease.

"Nice." Iris said, as she looked down at the suit on her body. This one was a bright yellow with orange flame designs on it.

"Cool." Barry said.

"Iris's flames should provide significant identity concealment and suit, in addition to the standard protective features is also designed to monitor your core temperature to better help us determine what the maximum safe temperature for you to burn at is, along with be heat and fire proof." Cisco said.

"What happens if she burns too hot?" Caitlin asked.

"Her suit also contains a highly pressurized fire extinguisher that can put out flames burning at klein temperature, so if worse comes to worse, we can extinguish her her from here. Now, Iris, your body should be able to handle any level heat, but it's probably an ability you'll have to develop slowly, so remember, don't push yourself too hard in the field." Cisco said.

"Got it. Now Flash, shall we go save the city?" Iris asked as Barry prepped his own suit.

"Keep up if you can Phoenix." Flash said as the two of them left.

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