Chapter 117

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"Hey, how's she doing?" Cisco asked as he entered the Speed lab to see Caitlin testing Jesse as she ran around the track.

"Getting faster every day. She wants to get out there with us, but Barry's orders were clear. Keep her out of the field until he gets back." Caitlin said.

"And she's not the only one who can't wait for that to happen." Cisco said and Caitlin chuckled.

"Things rough at the top?" Caitlin asked, since Barry had basically made Cisco his right hand at Star labs and he'd been left in charge, though she was probably Barry's left hand.

"I don't how Barry does some of this stuff without his powers. I mean seriously, the paperwork is extensive enough alone." Cisco said and Caitlin smiled.

"Well Barry will be in a few weeks and then we'll all be back to our normal jobs." Caitlin said.

"I am still jealous that Barry is currently on the last remaining chunk of Krypton." Cisco said.

"Well who knows, maybe someday Kara will take us all there." Caitlin said and Cisco grinned.

While the first few days of their honeymoon had been mostly spent with the two of them barely leaving the house, but now, Kara was determined to get what she'd also come to Argo for.

"Kara, are you sure you want to do this?" Barry asked.

"This is the only way to stop Reign before she gets strong enough to kill a lot of people. Sure, they're nearly all criminals, but still. I need to expose Selena to the council and get them to give me what I need to stop Reign now." Kara said and Barry nodded.

"Tell me what you need from me?" Barry asked his wife.

"I just need you to help me get Selena to confess." Kara said.

"And how do we do that?" Barry asked.

"I'll show you." Kara said.

"I thought we'd spend more time actually relaxing on our honeymoon." Barry said.

"Don't worry. Once we get Selena and the other witches arrested, then we can go back to enjoying our honeymoon." Kara assured him as she slid on her Supergirl ring next to her wedding ring.

"I thought we were leaving our suits at home?" Barry asked.

"Oh I did. There is no suit in here. But it does store yellow sun energy, about enough to give me 24 hours of my powers. Can't be too careful." Kara said and Barry nodded.

Selena and the other witches were gathering in a secret room of her home.

"Shouldn't the worldkillers have awakened by now?" Vita asked.

"Yes, but I'm sure that that they soon. We've waited this long for them to awaken, we can wait a little bit longer." Selena said, right as someone put a hole in the wall and in the debris, Kara and Barry walked into the room.

"What are you doing?" Selena asked angrily.

"Saving my world. I know about your worldkillers and now you're going to tell me how to stop them." Kara said.

"And how exactly do you plan to do that? You have no powers here." Selena said and Kara just rolled her eyes.

"You're wrong about that." Kara said as she fired her heat vision at Selena.

"How?" Selena asked.

"Secrets of the trade. Now tell us how to stop the worldkillers." Kara demanded as Barry sped around the room and suddenly, all the witches were tied up.

"What is the meaning of this?" Jul-Lus asked as he and Thara, who Kara had learned was still the head of the police force on Argo.

Before Selena could say anything to pin this on Barry and Kara, Kara then played the recording of Selena confessing to the worldkillers.

"I wouldn't lie about this." Kara said.

"After all your parents have done to preserve our city, of course I'd believe their daughter and to be honest, Alura was never exactly trusting of Selena either. Before she'd left, she'd been keeping tabs on Selena and now we have proof she was right. How can we repay you." Jul-Us asked.

"Any chance you could give me a small fragment of the haronel. I'm sure my father and some other scientists on Earth can figure out how replicate it so that you can make more and never worry about running out." Kara said and Jul-Us nodded.

"I will speak with the council, but after telling them what you told me, I am sure they were approve." Jul-Us said and Kara smiled.

"Thank you. And now," Kara said as she turned to her husband, "Let's go back to enjoying our honeymoon."

"Sounds good to me." Barry said with a smile.

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