The Sixth Hokage (book Finale)

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                            's finally here. The end of this amazing book. I'm so glad you have all read this amazing book and will continue reading.

This isn't the end!

I have completed the cover for the Sequel and I gave it an amazing name that basically screams... AWESOMENESS! This will be announced in the next page after this once I publish the first chapter of the sequel. I am so excited to write it!

This chapter is insanely long...the word count is..


Now...prepare a tissue box. Because I'm crying. And it's emotional ...

This book means a lot to me....

Love you all

Now WITHOUGHT further inturruption, the final chapter...shall begin!

The next day Tsunade and Minato was touring Kakashi around. And Naruto was sent a hell-tone of work. He had to study, take tests and everything. He sighed as he stayed in his room to work, occasionally taking a brake when he ended up coughing more. And every now and then would cough up blood.

Kakashi fiddled with his thumbs as he was being shown around. He seemed a little nervous and stressed. Tsunade tool notice to this and so did Minato.

Tsunade and Minato we're both giving him his show around tour because they we're both previous Kage. Minato laid a hand on his shoulder. And Tsunade stopped and looked at Kakashi.

"It's a lot to take in at first but being the Hokage isn't just a lot of work. You have a huge reputation to keep up." Minato explained. "You can visit school classes and give a lesson if you decided to. You assign missions. You can even have someone there by your side! Like a right hand man or woman."Minato hummed.

"I-i know." Kakashi nodded. "I just, never thought I would be the Hokage." He mumbled.

"You will do excellent Hateke." Tsunsde hummed. "Now! Onto the forbidden scroll library, locked in heavy security." She walked to a vault.

There was two anbu and a combination lock. After she opened It and gave Kakashi a slip of paper that held this combination. She held out a key to unlock the neck few doors before opening the door into the vault, this key she also handed over. Minato followed silently. He remembered Sarutobi showing him around when he became the Hokage. It was a lot to take in and nearly fried his brain.

After the whole tour Kakashi was shown the office last. He was familiar with this room. He sat down in the chair the Hokage we're to sit in once they were doing paperwork. In fact this room is the room they spend most of their time. Kakashi set his hands on the desk and he felt a lot of power on his shoulders.

"Now don't forget you have to make a speech." Tsunade stated.

"A what?" Kakashi looked at her.

"Every Hokage makes a speech after they receive their Hokage hat." Minato chuckled. "Remember mine?"

"Oh, right." He sighed. "Almost forgot about those." He frowned.

After Kakashi was allowed to return home he was fiddling with his thumbs. He was nervous about this speech thing. He was trying to think of what he would say, considering he only had two more days of being. Jonin before he was officially announced as Hokage. 

He walked through his door and shut it gently. He fixed his mask so it was properly on and walked to his table in his kitchen and sat down. He looked at the picture of Obito and Rin, Minato and himself when they were children. He smiled weakly, although it only brought back fairly painful memories.

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