...No Company...

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Naruto spent about a week in his prison now. One hour of Chakra training a day. Kakashi stands guard while keeping Naruto Company. Kakashi spends most of his time inside the cage with Naruto, playing card games and telling him about everyone.

Hardly anyone is able to visit Naruto, not even Sakura and Sasuke. Naruto woke from a deep sleep to see Kakashi gone and frowned. He sat up and rubbed his tired eyes and stretched. he stood and walked to see a prepared meal on the tab;e, again, it was cold. Naruto sat down and ate the meal and laid back in the chair. He walked to the cage and set his hand on the bar and felt his energy drain. The bars were special and made just for him. They kept tailed beasts weakened, so this being used on him made it hard to even stay awake for too long, in fact, Naruto spent about 75% of his day sleeping. Naruto walked to his shelf and grabbed a book and read a few chapters.

About a few hours later a man came with a trey if food.

"Hey! Uh, where is Kakasi?" Naruto asked, running up to the bars without touching them.

"He is training Sasuke...Their team leader is training Sakura." The man unlocked the cage and walked in.

"So...will He be back toda?" Naruto asked.

"No, he will be gone until the final exams." The man set the food down.

"BUT THATS A MONTH!" Naruto roared.

"Hey! Take it easy." The man said, flinching.

"Make me!" Naruto growled and his eyes turned red.

"Help!! THE NINE TAILS IS TAKING HIM OVER AGAIN!" The man yelled and ran to leave the cage.

Naruto sliced his back and ran out ahead of the now dead man. His eyes burned red...Naruto lost control again. He ran past empty cages and some prisoners and killed all the guards...even anbu and once it was dead quiet Naruto gained control and gasped, covered in blood.

"O-oh my god!" Naruto held his Shaking hands up to look at them.

"You will never escape who you truly are...a demon." Kurama cackled and fell asleep.

Naruto teared up and fell to his knees.

"I-im so sorry!" He cried.

"It wasn't me! It wasn't me! It wasn't me! It wasn't me!" Naruto repeated for over thirty minutes.

Naruto spent hours walking through the now blood filled prison. All the other prisoners cheered in delight but Naruto killed the ones who did, which was all of them. A very dangerous twelve year old defined Naruto well. The last one alive...said so before his brutal, slow death.

Naruto slowly made his was through the prison back to his cell...the ground was covered in five inches of blood around his cell and he crawled into his bed and cried himself to sleep.

Without Kakashi, he felt hopeless, and no that he killed everyone, he had no company.

Kurama chuckled and and laughed, knowing he had a good chance of corrupting his prison...Naruto

You Make My Pain Fade (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now