A Rabid Fox!!!

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Naruto was put against Neji for the final exam...and they had a month to train for it. Naruto ran off into town, towards the hot springs to badge and relax his sore and stiff muscles. He ran on all fours and smiles happily. But his good mood ended once a huge net was thrown onto him, making him fall and skid across the ground roughly. Naruto winced and was dizzy. The net was yanked out of the middle of the streets and Naruto couldn't see. This dizziness was hardcore. He didn't know what was causing it until he smelt an odd, sweet smell. A cloth was on his mouth and a hand held it there. Naruto suddenly held his breaths but was whimpering, far to weak to fight back, or even stand, not that he even could!

"That's it little fox... Just breathe it in...you will never wake up again." A male voice chuckled.

Naruto teared up and held his breathe, longer than the man thought and the man growled.

"Well this won't work if you don't breathe " he pulled his hand away. One a bit of light was shown...it was clear, that the man was Kabuto. "Luckily...I had a plan B. If you refuse too die quietly...I'll have the village Jonin kill you." Kabuto chuckles.

"T-they w-won't hurt m-me..." Naruto mumbled with half lidded eyes.

"They will if you attack the village." Kabuto smirked and his hand glowed with a weird pattern.

He moved Naruto's shirt and jacket up and exposed the visible seal. Naruto tried to move but Kabuto was able to easily pin him to the ground. Naruto couldn't even yell for help. He was in a helpless position. Kabuto slammed his hand into the seal and it glowed and burned...this was enough and Naruto yelled in agony, it burned and Kabuto slowly and forcefully started to Loosen the seal. The whites of Naruto's eyes went black and the color went red, even the pupil. He yelled and his fangs grew and a cloak formed around him. Kabuto chuckled and continued to slowly loosen the seal.

Jiraiya was with Kakashi. They were walking down thew streets of Konoha.

"How did he do in the preliminary?" Jiraiya asked.

"Well...where to start..." Kakashi frowned. "He sorta almost lost control..." Kakashi said.

"Seriously!?" Jiraiya gasped.

"Sadly, yes..." Kakashi sighed. "His seal seems to be weakening. Also...it doesn't help that I think Orochimaru is tormenting him. I reported !my suspicions to lord Third. I think the one he fought was Orochimaru..." Kakashi narrowed his eyes.

"...my God." Jiraiya was wide eyed.

Kakashi looked forwards and sighed." In this up coming month I want you to train Naruto's physical, and chakra related strength. He needs the confidence. " Kakashi said.

"You really care for him don't you?" Jiraiya smiled.

"Y-yeah." Kakashi smiled. "How could I not?"

"Hehehe, I personally think of him as a son." Jiraiya stated.

"I don't doubt it." Kakashi smiled.

A very loud yell echoed and people stopped and grew worried. The yells began roars of pain and anger. Jiraiya and Kakashi ran forwards towards the yelling as fast as they could.

Naruto's claws dug into the ground and the net around him caught faire and he snapped through and Kabuto chuckled and Shunshined away. Tears ran down Naruto's face and he held his head and laughed. Kurama was digging his hooks into his brain and Naruto was barely keeping him contained.

Jiraiya and Kakashi ran to the place and froze to see Naruto...with the nine tails cloak...at three tails. The glanced at each other with a terrified face.

"Naruto try to calm down." Jiraiya said.

"This is what it wants." Kakashi said" You are stronger then he is "

"Ggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!" Naruto yelled and fell to the ground in burning pain.

Kakashi ran to him and kneeled beside him. Jiraiya bit his thumb and slammed it into the ground, summoning four huge frogs. The frogs ran to Naruto and held his limbs down. Kakashi looked at the seal and frowned.

"Someone loosened it on purpose." Kakashi hissed lowly.

Jirayia ran over and looked at it. Anbu flooded into the alley and cleared the people away. 

"Master Jirayia. What is wrong with the boy?" An Anbu asked.

"Someone loosened his seal." Jirayia spoke.

"This is troublesome." The Anbu stated.

Naruto hissed and struggled and his tails whipped the frogs away from  him.  Naruto slashed Kakashi and Jirayia back. They knocked into the Anbu and fell over.

Naruto roared and darted out into the open and he roared  he ground shook and people were know ked back,  waved of chakras shattered windows and shredded people to death.  Naruto stoopedf or a second and screamed holding his head. He then ran around  destroying everything in sight. He was out of control...!

Jiraiya summoned chief toad and they went aster Naruto and helped people get out of his path and soon cornered him. Kakashi ran forwards with his sharingan out and a glowing hand. Symbols were marked on Kakashi's hand and he slammed him hand into Naruto's stomach and pinned him to the wall. His sharingan twisted into mongueko mode and Naruto stopped and tensed. Kakashi was actually using it on the nine tails. Kurama growled and went back to sleep, cursing Kakashi before going under. Naruto was quickly back to normal. His ears and tail vanishes and the cloak withered into the air. Naruto leaned onto Kakashi and whimpered. He was weak and his chakra was drained.

"Who did this?" Kakashi asked with tearful eyes.

"K-kabuto..." He mumbled.

"The one in the exams?" Kakashi asks

"...yeah..." Naruto cried into Kakashi's shoulder."oh my god! I killed so many people!" Naruto cried." I'm a monster." Naruto cried.

"Naruto! Don't call yourself that!"  Kakashi said. "You are human...a bright and talented young man." Kakashi said.


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