Instant insanity

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They headed back to the sand village and sent a hawk to the hidden leaf. Naruto smiled and waved at people who were thanking him. He looked around and walked through a hallucination of his mom and he could only see red, yet he hid this fact by ignoring it, and not showing he was upset.

They were able to stay another night. Most of them needing the rest because of injuries. Cheo had a funeral before then. Naruto didn't attend. He remained in his room, hugging his knees to his chest in the darkest corner. He looked at tthe ground in front of him blankly.

All around him were blood covered skeletons crawling around him, each one had Kurama's eyes. Naruto teared up and sighed shakily.

He heard the door open and Kakashi walked in tired. He rested himself on the bed until he noticed Naruto in a dark corner.

"What's the matter?" Kakashi grew worried.

"I'm upset about Cheo." Naruto lied.

"Naruto you hated her, that isn't it." Kakashi sighed.

"I was being sarcastic Sensei." Naruto sighed and looked at him.

"Naruto please tell me what's wrong." Kakashi asked.

"...just be quiet." Naruto walked to his bed and laid down, pulling the covers up over his head.

Kakashi frowned and looked at him, he sighed and laid there, falling asleep.  The next day the two groups left. And on their way back...Naruto was oddly happy. He was smiling and he acted thrilled that they were able to save Gaara. Kakashi was seeing past it. So was Jirayah but the others ate up the act.

When they arrived Naruto was in the front, walking a bit ahead of the group. He wore a wide grin and breathed in the air.

"Wonderful! Just great to be back. I was starting to feel homesick." Naruto said. "Come on slowpokes! Naruto smiled and ran forwards.

Guy, who was carrying Kakashi smirked and followed, Naruto, Lee, and Guy ended up racing one another to the Hokage tower. Guy beat them all.

"Wow.... your a.... fast runner." Naruto chuckled, out of breathe.

"I do it all with the power of youth!" He have a toothy grin and a Thumbs up to Naruto and winked.

Naruto smiled." Heh, with the power of youth."

They totally forgot Kakashi was weak and he was in la la land now. Unable to not feel his head spin. Naruto carried Kakashi on his back and walked to the Hokage office once everyone had arrived. They walked to the Hokage office, and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Tsunade's voice chimed.

Naruto walked in and smiled happily, Tsunade was surprised he was this cheery.

"Heya my lady!" Naruto bowed and smiled happily.

"Your back! I got the scroll Jirayah wrote. I'm thrilled to know the Kasekage is safe." Tsunade smiled happily.

"Me too, great job on your first mission Naruto!" Shizune smiled happily.

Naruto left later and brought his out of it sensei to the hospital. Naruto left and walked back to the tower to see Sakura discussing something to Tsunade. He grew curious and decided to listen to him.

"Tsunade. I'm glad I grabbed you." Sakura sighed.

Naruto listened in on what she found out from Sasori. His face immediately went dark. A crooked smirk spread across his face and he chuckled. He headed home with a swaying body and when he stepped in. His eyes were shadowed over so only a twisted smirk was visible. Minato looked up to see this and a chill ran through the room.

"Naruto what's with that face are you alright?" Minato grew instantly concerned.

"Hehheheheheheheh...never been better." He giggled.

Naruto looked up and his showed insanity and bloodlust. "I'm gonna kill him~" he snickered.

"W-what!?" Minato grew scared instantly.

"Drain him of him suffer...make him scream." Naruto laughed.

"Who?" Minato narrowed his eyes.

"...Orochimaru's spy...~♡"

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