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Naruto woke up and sat up. Everyone was asleep when he did. Naruto looked around his poorly lit room and shivered. He noticed the fireplace at the end of the room and smiled lightly. He grabbed wood and threw it in and started a fire.

He sat down and rubbed his hands together and smiled gently.  He reached to his bag and pulled out some rice balls and began to eat. Naruto was starving and didn't notice till now and in two minutes his food was gone and in his stomach. Naruto exhaled loudly, smiling.

"Man...whatever Gaara did I feel amazing." Naruto stood and stretched. "So...what to do."

Naruto walked to the window and looked at the clouds that were dispersing. He saw stars and smiled lightly. He walked back to the fireplace and sat down and looked at the flames. He then felt a chill and shuddered. He looked over his shoulder to see the window opened.

"I swear that was closed." Naruto mumbled.

He stood and walked to the open window and scanned the area and saw no footprints or people besides a few villagers in the cold small town and he shut the window

He froze.

He felt warm breathe on the back of his neck. Narto whipped around and his mouth was covered with a hand. Naruto looked at the guy and fear rose in his body, his eyes widened all the way. The man smirked and chuckled.

"I'm upset you attacked me earlier." Itachi pouted, obviously fake,." I was hoping for a welcome back kiss." Itachi said.

Naruto instantly kicked him in the balls and a clone formed beside him and he formed Rasengan. Naruto aimed at him but he hit the wall and it blasted a section off the wall off, cold air rushing in fast.

"Calm yourself." Madara pulled Naruto away from the ledge, holding his arms behind his back tightky.

Naruto's tails flailed and he was about to lash them at him until Itachi tightened the seal. Naruto's ears and tail vanished. Naruto felt dizzy and weaker but didn't outwardly show it. He struggled.

"L-MMMPPhhh!" Itachi cupped a hand over his mouth.

Gaara and Shikaku ran in. Gaars shot sand at hem but it vanished into nothing in a swirling motion. The masked Uchiha being the cause of it. Kakashi dashed in from the broken wall and chidoried Itachi, but Itachi caught his hand and his grip broke it and he twisted it and kicked Kakashi back into the wall.

Naruto gasped and teared up and bit down on Itachi's fingers and bit into them, blood splattering on his face. Itachi hissed his pain and retracted his hand.

"DONT FUCKING TOUCH HIM!" Naruto yelled out.

"..." Madara healed Itachi instantly.

He looked at Naruto and his Sharingan spun. Naruto went stiff and he slowly lost his grip on self control. He went completely stiff and shook. Itachi looked at Naruto and his Sharingan activated and spun. They two slowly took over the teen.

"....." Tears fell from Naruto's eyes.

"My my Naruto...looks like your in a pickle." Kisame appeared just as the other ran in.

Naruto looked wide eyed at the area in front of him...which was directly into Itachi's eyes. Kisame held onto his blade and walked over to the others. And sliced a line into the wood.

"Pass this you die." Kisame chuckled.

"Gahh!" Naruto yelled as his seal tightened even more. 

Kurama growled as he was under Madaras control. He roared loudly. Naruto stood straight, still stiff.

"Kill Kakashi." Madara ordered.

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