A willing farewell

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Pain looked at the crater that was once the Hidden Leaf Village.  He scanned the area. He landed in the center of the place. He looked as people had survived, a lot of them actually.

"...he's isn't here." He spoke with a sour yet calm tone.

Sasuke winced as his Susano vanished. He collapsed and panted heavily. Sakura looked at Tsunade and she went back to healing her. Many ninja were okay. Sakura looked at the ruins of the once successful village and she teared up and cried.


Suddenly a burst of Chakra flooded the place and smoke formed in front of all the Pains. Sakura and Sasuke looked at the smoke and once it cleared they all gasped...with relief.

It was Naruto.

And three humongous frogs, among them being Cheif toad, who Naruto was standing on. Minato looked at his son with shock. He was beating, him having fought with a pain. His eyes went wide. He saw Jirayah and himself in his son and teared up.

"Be careful..." he whispered to himself.

Naruto looked at Pain. His eyes were yellow frog eyes and orange markings surrounded his eye lid. He eyed him.

"I'm here." Naruto spoke and jumped off of Cheif toad and onto the ground, which shook.

"Naruto Uzumaki. Your coming with us." The leader of them spoke.

Naruto could sense everyone in the village. He blinked and his heart suddenly felt like breaking.

He couldn't sense Kakashi. He made a clone and the clone ran towards Sakura and Sasuke and landed. Sasuke and Sakura turned their attention to the clone.

"Is Kakashi away on a mission?" The clone asked.

"No." Sasuke shook his head.

The clone went wide eyed and vanished instantly. Naruto retained the information and his eyes went wide. A red tint formed in his yellow eyes and another pupil overlapped the frog one, his Fox eyed pupil.

"You bastard!" Naruto hissed. "I'll rip you to shreds!"

The female pain summoned a huge rhino and it charged at Naruto.

"Naruto!" Chief toad pulled out his sword.

"Right." Naruto popped his neck.

He stopped the rhino with his bare hands and threw it high into the air. Everyone was in shock of his strength. Chief toad flew up and sliced it in half and it vanished. Huge dogs and a bird charged at them. Naruto charged forwards and began to attack them with tiejutsu, his physical strength. He waved his hand in front of its eyes to distract it but his punch was blocked.

"What!? I clearly averted her eyes!" Naruto gasped.

Fukisaki sighed.

"Their eyes are all connected. Every single one of them." Fukisaki explained.

"Damn." Naruto dodged a blow and backflipped, dodging the metal pain's punch and formed Two Rasengans and completely wrecked it.

One down, five to go.

Naruto then charged forwards, most ninja who watched only saw a blur. Naruto was at the one who could regenerate the Pains and bring them back and he formed a rasengan and knocked them back. Naruto was then blasted back by a pain and he winced.

Naruto backed up and put distance and he formed Two other clones. He held his hand and there formed the RasenShiruken, a move Naruto rarely displayed because it's power was ridiculously dangerous and powerful. Naruto ran forwards and threw it with force.

You Make My Pain Fade (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now