Watch me

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Naruto walked through town, not crying but looked depressed. He walked past people. And they were eying him as usual. A villager threw a bottle at his head and it broke. Naruto winced but walked past them. Blood fell down his face and he stopped and watched it. He shuddered and looked forwards and walked down an Alley way. Naruto slid down the side of the building and curled up and started to cry again.

He raised his head and looked at his now bloody sleeve. Naruto growled and tore his jacket off and threw it at the wall in front of him. He shunshined to his room and walked into the bathroom and looked at his face, half covered in blood. Naruto grimaced and turned on the sink and washed his face with a wash cloth and set the cloth on the large gashes in his head. He winced and looked at it and moved his hair to see some glass still in his head. Naruto heard a crash and jumped.

He walked out of the bathroom to see a Kunai in his bed, half way through the sheets. Naruto growled and ran to the window and grabbed the Kunai.

"How are you still alive? The guy growled.

"..." Naruto threw the Kunai into his foot and he cried out in pain.

Naruto walked back to the bathroom and took the shards out. He opened a cabenit and grabbed some bandages and placed them on the counter. coubter. He grabbed a bottle of alcohol and poored some on his head and growled loudly in pain. He drank from it and set it down and began to wrap his head with the bandages. He finished after sealing the loose end with medical tape and he looked at his self. He growled as he looked like a mummy from the neck up and he grabbed the bottle and downed it, taking another and drinking till he got drunk.

He thought that if it helped take pain away from might help him too. He swayed to the stairs and fell down and growled. He stood and popped his dislocated hand in place and walked into the kitchen and grabbed more Sake.

Minato walked home and looked at his soon on the couch...drunk and gasped. He snatched the bottle away and eyed him.

"NARUTO! Your too young to drink!" Minato griped.

" helps..." He slurred and stood and his eyes were red.

"Naruto its a bad influence. Wait what happened to your head?" Minato sounded worried.

Naruto walked to the door and opened it and slammed it shut. He walked down the streets and his ears and tails formed and he growled at people. Everyone was scared and hid. Except for the tough people. They growled back.

Naruto walked to a bench and sat down and looked at his hands. He teared up and his eyes burned with sorrow. Someone sat down next to him and sighed.

"Sorry for your loss. The news about Jirayah is sad." He said.

Naruto turned to him and noticed it was Itachi.

"He, I'm to drunkto be maaad.." He said and sighed.

"Careful or you'l.p. be your mother." Itachi joked.

Naruto chuckled. "Hehehehehehehehe good one." Naruto laughed byt his smile dropped. "I don't know what to do..." He said and tears flowed.

"'s okay..." Itachi said and looked at him, wiping his tears away.

Kakashi walked down the streets and noticed Naruto's tails. He walked forwards and saw Itachi wiping his tears and hug him and he grumbled but calmed and walked to them.

"Naruto okay? He asked.

"No. It s a dumb question to ask when someone you loved and cherished died." Itachi said.

"..." Kakashi growled and sat down on the other side of Naruto and pulled his into a hug and took his mask down and kissed him lightly. "Its okay..." Kakashi said.

Naruto held him and kissed his neck and sniffled, shaking. Kakashi held him and noticed Itachi was petting Naruto's tails. Naruto was blushing and he hiccuped.

"Are you drunk?" Kakashi asked.

"Nooooooo...?" Naruto swayed a little as he looked at him.

"Naruto please dont drink. It harms your head." Kakashi said.

"Mom drank when she was upset." Naruto said. "Why can't i?"

"She best hyou under its influence." Kakashi said.

"She beat me regardless." Naruto chuckled.

His red eyes intensified and he smirked. "I got hurt by a villager with a glass bottle and he ruined my coat with my blood." He chuckled. "Again...blood is all I see." He said.

"Naruto. Don't think about it. He is just some asshole." Itachi said and pulled Naruto into a hug.

Naruto blinked and looked at The arms I his chest and patted them gently instead of hugging back and his body went limp as he let his body run numb.

"..." He looked at the now night sky and tears formed again.

Naruto laid there, his legs in Kakashi's lap, his upper body in Itachi's embrace. He sighed and laid there against the very fit chest of Itachi's and closed his eyes.

A group of villagers walked up to them. They looked angry.

"Piss off." Naruto hissed and sat up and Stood.

One attacked with a knife and Naruto dodged and slashed their neck opened and killed them. Another surrounded them with a wall of fire, a ninja was among them.

Kakashi and Itachi stood. Itachi attacked them and shoved them into Kakashi or into he flames. Kakashi knocked the ones thrown his way out. Naruto flat out killed them. Naruto roared and the ground cracked and a cloak formed around his body. Two tails right off the bat. Naruto started to slaughter them. Itachi used his Sharingan on Naruto and Naruto stopped and the tails, ears and cloak vanished and he collapsed, passing out.

"He will be fine." Itachi said.

"You need to back off! he loves me. Not you Itachi!"Kakashi growled.

"For now"Itachi smirked.

"You can make him love you! And you won't have him."Kakashi said.

Itachi chuckled and smirked. "Watch me!"

You Make My Pain Fade (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now