broken body

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The group camped out for a night. Naruto was just starting to wake up. He groaned and his eyes fluttered open to see Kushina giggling.

"You are a major burden to your friends and Kakashi. Why not run away?"

"..." Naruto frowned.

"Oh don't give me that look! If I were still alive I would beat you for giving me that look...luckily...I have access to your head~hahahahaa!"

She vanished, flying into Naruto. Naruto shuddered as he felt his skin go cold. The trees looked like they reached for him and the ground cracked. Naruto gasped and climbed into a tree.

Suddenly creatures clawed up slowly after him. Naruto shook.

"It's not real... It's not real!" Naruto told him sef.

The claws dug into his skin and ripped him open. Naruto teared up from pain and fear. He suddenly kicked the person down and ran into another tree. Then their were two monsters. They growled and suddenly his vision went black.

"Hahahahaha! Just kill yourself son!"

Naruto fet his arm move to his weapon pouch. Unwillingly. Naruto went wide eyed as he felt pain in his chest. He looked down to See Kushina with a blade in her hand stabbing into his chest. Naruto winced and coughed up blood.

He was surrounded by creatures and they began to scratch and ripped him open. He yelled in pure agony. He tried scrambling away but they yanked him back into their reach.

"You'll always be like this...miserable, and helpless. Because your a monster. You deserve this life. No one wants you around besides Kakashi. And who knows. He might be a monster too. Just know this...he has killed everyone he has ever loved."

Naruto yelled and jolted up. Everyone looked at him with shock and worry.

"Naruto are you alright!?" Tsunade frowned.

"..." Naruto held his head. "J-just a dream is all." Naruto replied weakly.

Kakashi moved to his side. Naruto looked at him and saw Kushina behind him giggling. Naruto hesitated but hugged Kakashi tightly. Kakashi hugged back just as tight.

"You sure?' Kakashi asked.

"Positive." Naruto closed his eyes.

Naruo ate food and settled back down and did his best to relax. Failing miserably in the end as he saw Kushina standing, bent over him.

"Pathetic excuse for a human being. You can't wake up. This is not a dream. Your part of a demon...your not a human being."

"Please stop mom.." Naruto frowned.

"What was that?" Kakashi looked at him.

"O-oh! Nothing Kakashi!" Naruto smiled weakly.

Kakashi placed his forehead on Naruto's and felt his temp.

"Forget about love. You don't deserve it."

Naruo then moved and Kisses Kakashi's lips sense his mask was off. Kushina growled and Naruto eyes her. He blinked and she was gone and he was staring at Minato. Minato waved lightly. Naruto waved back. Kakashi pulled away and smiled gently, his thoughts traveling...else where.

Naruto looked at Kakashi and smiled sweetly. He gently moved his hands under his shirt and traced his eight pack and kissed Kakashi's neck.

D-damn... Naruto doing this doesn't at all prevent my...rather lewd thought I've been having of me and him lately. Kakashi thought as a dark blush became apparent on his face. He's so damn turns me on.

You Make My Pain Fade (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now