Catching an Uchiha

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Naruto let go of Kakashi and kissed him lightly. Kakashi kissed back through his mask and looked at Naruto's flustered face.

"You mad? In love or embarrassed?" Kakashi chuckled.

"I think all of them." Naruto said and shook his head, the color returning to its casual slight tan. "I think we should conintue the se- did you hear that!?" Naruto went alert.

"Hear what?" Kakashi raised raised brow.

Naruto's Fox ears made an appearance and Kakashi internally screamed, wanting to pet them. Naruto's ears twitched and turned in different directons until they Locked in on something.

"Explosions..." Naruto mumbled.

"What?" Kakasi seemed confused.

Hinata, kiba and Shino ran over.

"SASUKE IS FIGHTING HIS BROTHER!" Kiba yelled as he rode Akamaru right past them.

"I SEE THEM! THEY ARE ON A TEMPLE...FIGHTING WITH THE INTENT TO KILL!!" Hinata had her beakugan activated.

The entire search team ran past and Naruto and Kakashi Joined them...taking the front along with Neji and Hinata. Naruto del determined and glanced at Sakura and held a thumbs up and smiled a wide grin.

"Time to fulfil my promise." He said and turned to face forwards.

They reached the place to See Itachi and Sasuke ruthlessly fighting. Naruto growled and landed between them and grabbed their wrists and threw yanked them down. Sasuke was shocked to see Naruto. Itachi was expecting him to show and gave a smirk. Before either of them could hurt him he threw them apart and eyed the two, staying dead center between the brothers.

"OUR OF THE WAY LOSER!" Sasuke charged.

Sakura jumped into view and so did Lee, them looking serious. Itachi took a step forwards and jumping into view was Shikamaru and Kakashi. The others formed a circle around the place and stared with angry eyes at the two Uchiha.

"Well...seems this fight will have to wait younger brother." Itachi chuckled.

"Tch!" Sasuke lowered his sword.

Itachi looked at Naruto and he smirked wider and Naruto eyed him. Both glaring heavily at each other. Kakashi noticed this and growled.

"You are coming to the leaf. Surrender or we all take you back by force!" Kakashi growled.

"I would gladly surrender." Itachi smirked.

"...Sasuke?" Naruto looked at him.

"...Your gonna have to drag me back!" He raised his sword.

Naruto walked through everyone and his ears and tails formed and the tails swayed angrily.

"SASUKE UCHIHA STAND DOWN OR I WILL BREAK YOU!" Naruto yelled loudly, the volume scaring everyone, shocking Sasuke, and impressing Itachi.

Sasuke growled and lowered his sword, making a wise choice. But then he threw it at Naruto.

"Catch." Sasuke said.

Naruto caught the blur that was Sasuk's sword and wind blasted behind him. Naruto had caught it with his bear hand, making it bleed. His face didn't alter in anyway. Sasuke folded his harms and took his weapon pouch off and threw it aside and walked over to Naruto and looked at him.

"I surrender." He said bluntly.

Naruto nodded and looked at him.

"Gonna struggle? Need to be chained?" Naruto asked.

"No. I won't resist." Sasuke said.

"Good. Try to run and I will hunt you down and torture you understood?" Naruto asked.

"Understood." Sasuke bowed and walked over to a wall and leaned, standing near Sakura.

Naruto walked over to Itachi and Kakashi stood right behind Naruto and Itachi looked at Naruto.

"Take off the cloak." Naruto ordered.

"As you wish~" Itachi said in in a way that made Kakashi hiss.

Itachi took his cloak off and took off all the weapons and put the cloak back on. Naruto opened a scroll and chains formed. Naruto wrapped them around Itachi's hands and grabbed cloth and tied it around Itachi's eyes.

The group soon left. Sasuke traveled like he was one of their teammates, free. Itachi was being observed by Naruto, who was towards the back of the group. Itachi looked at Naruto through the cloth.

"Hey there~like how your being so dominant." He chuckled.

"Shut the FUCK up." Naruto growled.

" might trigger the nine tails." Itachi said.

"Your a pain." Naruto grunted.

"I know. You are as well." Itachi shrugged.

The group came to a stop, resting for the night. Naruto  stayed near Itachi. Him watching him. Kakasi was speaking with Sasuke. Giving him a speech about manners once at the village and what he is to expect. Naruto looked at Itachi and removed the chains and cloth and gave him food.

"Don't try anything." Naruto said.

"Alright. Your the boss." Itachi said and began to eat.

Naruto relaxed and looked st Kakashi and smiled lightly, waving. Kakashi smiled and waved back before beckoning Sakura to his and Sasuke's side. Naruto frowned slightly and sighed, his eye traveling to the flames. Everyone seems busy in conversation but Naruto.

"Didn't say a peep about our encounter?" Itachi asked quietly.

"...course not." Naruto looked away.

Itachi stretched and put an arm around Naruto. Naruto growled.

"What the hell?" Naruto went to move his arm.

"Don't." Itachi said in a serious tone.

Naruto looked at the activated Sharingan and moved his hand away hesitantly. Itachi smiled and leaned a bit closer and Naruto felt his face flush.

"You know I haven't seen those tails and ears in awhile. I guess they are only for display when yoyr serious hm?" Itachi looked at Naruto.

"...yeah. I don't like them out much." Naruto looked at the fire. "Kakashi glances and sees you with an arm around me your basically under his radar for life...unless he ends it." Naruto said in a rude way.

"Wow...lovely tone~♡" Itachi purred.

Naruto growled and his eyes burned red. He grabbed Itachi's arm and as soonbas he did the world went white.

"Told you not too." He chuckled

"What a pesk!" Kurama's voice shattered the world back to reality.

Naruto suddenly punched Itachi across the face, gaining a few looks. Naruto tied the cloth back on and tied the chains around his wrists. Naruto hissed and kicked his stomach. Itachi grunted in pain but only smiled. Naruto growled louder and his fingers twitched and his claes grew. Naruto bared his fangs and he swung his arm light lightning...but It was Caught. Naruto whipped his hand as a reflex and sliced the persons face, leaving gashes. Naruto gasped and retracted his hand.

He just clawed Sakura in the face.

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