Chapter 78. Rumour has it

Start from the beginning

"And what do you think you're doing?" P'Pha asks and his anger is radiating off of him. It's terrifying honestly. But i just look at him in awe.

"Whoa, Nong Pha calm down, let me go. I was just having some fun with the poor boy." P'Pha hit him square in the gut and the guy toppled over and dropped to the floor when P'Pha released his grip on the guy's neck. P'Pha pulled his face up by his hair as he kneeled down next to him.

"Listen 'P'', you can't touch what is mine. If i ever see you hold MY YO like that i will break your arm, am i making myself clear." He said in between gritted teeth. The guy tried to nod and hummed in understanding. P'Pha dropped his head and kicked him aside as he stood up. He made his way over to me and pulled me against him. My face was hidden in his chest and he held me tightly.

"Are you okay? He didn't hurt you right?" I looked up at him, he gently brushed my hair. His brows were furrowed in concern, i could see he was still fuming but i know that P'Pha never wants to show his anger directly to me. Not after the Forth-kissed-me incident. But what has gotten him so angry? Usually he is always able to smile brightly at me no matter how angry he was a moment ago. But now he doesn't seem to be able to hide his anger.

"I'm okay P'Pha thank you." He was finally able to show me a smile and firmly took a hold of my hand, not painfully but comforting and covering. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and took my bag from the table as he led the way. It was only when i saw how close he was holding me and the glares he was giving people that i remembered we were still at school. Was he going to get in trouble for beating that guy? Shouldn't he go to class? Did he hear the rumours? Is he angry at me? Did i do something to make him angry?

We sat in his car and he let out an annoyed sigh. We just sat there, a moment of silence, no driving, just us two waiting for the other to speak. I went on a limb and went ahead to ask the questions stuck inside my head.


"Before you speak. I won't get in trouble, I don't care about class, I came to you after all this rumour crap, I'm not angry at you don't even think for a second that i will ever be angry at you. I just wanted to know if you were okay."

"H-how..." It was like he read my mind. He answered all my questions in the order i was thinking of asking. Is he psychic! Did he eat a devil fruit and gained the power of mind reading?! I've read too many mangas. He lets out a hearty chuckle and the atmosphere immediately feels more relaxed.

"I just know you really well Yo."

"I know you do, but P' what had gotten you so angry?"

"These bullshit rumours are spreading all around campus." He leaned back and sighed.

"So you've heard them as well..."

"Yes, that's why i was worried about you. You just went through all the stuff with your dad, i wanted to make sure you were okay hearing even more rumours about it."

"Thank you P'Pha. The rumours are actually getting a bit out of hand, how does the entire campus know in 1 day?"

"Because Pring..."

"Pring?" He nodded.

"Those friends of her. They have been spreading different rumours about you and me all around campus."

"Then how does she know about my actual situation with my dad?"

"I really don't know. But this day is really getting to me. Yo can you come here and let me hold you for a moment." He pulled his seat back to create space. He looked at me with sad, hurt puppy eyes and a pouty lip while holding his arms out for a hug. I just smile and literally jump into him. He closed his arms around me as i laid in his arms. He put his nose in my hair and i feel his heart beat calm down slowly.

"Yo you haven't been with anybody else right? You wouldn't just leave me na. You know i didn't just date you because you were rich..." I slowly lifted my head up to look up at P'Pha in disbelief, who had unshed tears in his eyes.

"P'Pha what excactly did you hear?" I ask as i hold his cheeks gently.

"Sorry, you must think that i'm being a pathetic idiot right now. I'm supposed to be strong for you." He says with a sad chuckle as he wipes his eyes. I just shake my head.

"P'Pha, you're not pathetic. You're always the one being strong for me but it's okay for you to cry in front of me. I never think any less of you." I smile and initiate a kiss, he gladly accepts and deepens the kiss further. Moments later his mood seems better as we are left breathless.

"Sorry maybe today got the best of me, there is another thing i need to tell you but i'm scared..."

"Scared? Of what?"

"Scared of how to say it, What to do, What i might do."

"Let's take things 1 by 1. What happened today excactly?"

"First the day seemed pretty normal, then i saw Pring talk to her friends and i overheard her. she was the one starting the rumours but i didn't do anything about it and that pisses me off. Then after lunch basically the whole faculty knew all the different rumours Pring had spread."

"I heard some pretty crazy ones as well, what did you hear today?"

"You're not upset about it?"

"I am, she's a bitch. But i have P'Pha with me now so it's okay." I say showing a goofy smile as i rest my chin against his chest. He chortles and pecks me on the lips.

"Things like. Our Campus Moon is poor, what would other people think of our school. They should expell him. Pha was probably only dating him for the money, maybe he will dump Yo and i can finally get a shot. Yo probably got disowned for dating a guy, Pha basically ruined his life. N'Wayo had sex with other guys at his faculty so they would help him pay for school and food. He even let someone take him during lunchbreak just so that person would let him sleep in his room for the night. If he leaves the school do you think he will leave Phana? P'Pha would probably dump him if he had to live out on the street."

"People get way too creative with these things." Being with P'Pha i can easily brush those off and i don't want P'Pha to get hurt by them either so i want to be there for him as well if he feels the need to verify it. It's okay to have a weak moment, honestly i was also really close to breaking. 

"Then things get worse. People try to constantly hit on me, thinking that we will break up because of what happened. I even got groped Yo!" I want to be jealous but P'Pha saying he got groped sounds to funny so i'm trying my best to hold in my laughter right now.

"But this is the part i was scared off telling you."

"What is it?"

"I found out who wanted to kill Beam and Forth...Suthee..."


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Hi! Hope you enoyed the new chapter :3 Did you expect the rumours to go this way, sometimes people unexpectedly get affected by them and did you think it would be Suthee? Also for the Werewolf or Magic story i still need more votes cuz it's even right now xd but it's definitely going to be 6Moons so yeah, Vote! Leave your comments and feedback :3. I've noticed also that a lot of the latest chapters haven't been containing much ForthBeam POV's but are you guys bothered by that, seeing as after all this is solved it's over to their wedding planning. I'm saving them kinda for that part of the story.

Thank you for your support, Much love <3 - Ryan

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