Chapter 76. Worry

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"He's not that innocent you know." P'Pha suddenly says with a smirk and i just push his face away. Nosey!

"Too much information...Do you need anything else Yo?"

"No that was it, thank you Park."

"No problem Nong, Can you tell Pha to watch Suthee for me. I think he is slacking off."

"Will do, Bye Park."

"Bye!" And i hung up the phone, releasing a breath i didn't know i was holding.

"They're at the dorm."

"I know."

"You eavesdropped."

"No, Ming just texted me and Forth to get to his dorm room with you and Beam after school." He said and showed me his phone. I shouldn't be worried so much. Ming can handle things i should've known.

"I only have one more class, baby how many do you have?"


"Is your last hour class, lab or lecture."

"Lecture. Boring..." I say, resting my chin on the table.

"How about me joining your last hour, after that we will visit Ming and Kit okay?" He says resting his head on the table next to my face. I turn my face to look at him and i just start to smile as i see this big idiot acting all cutesy. I hum and nod, ignoring the squeals from the angels.

"What classroom is your 2nd lecture at?"


"Okay, well break is ending so i need to go. I'll see you in a bit okay."

"Mhm." I nod lazily and he gave me a peck on the lips before standing up.

"Girls please watch Yo for me, don't let other guys hit on him okay?" Pha asked Mon and the other angels and they giggled at P'Pha calling them girls.

"P'Phana~, don't worry E'Yo here is safe with us."

"Great, thank you. Bye baby boy, love you." P'Pha ruffled my hair and waved. I waved back with a goofy grin mirroring him.

"Love you too D-P'Pha." P'Pha clearly heard what i was about to say before i stopped myself and had a proud smirk on his face, luckily none of the angels seemed to hear it. P'Pha turned around, we just watched his figure dissapear into the crowd.

"E'Bitch, how did you get so lucky. Surrounded by the hottest guys in the school even dating one of them and having the other one as your best friend. Life is unfair!"

"And me finding out that my dad isn't my actual dad is also lucky?" Shit!

"Wait what!" I knew it had to come out eventually. I spent the entirety of the class explaining my situation to the angels. They were sympathetic, they didn't take pity but they tried to not poke fun of me being a spoiled rich kid anymore which was appreciated. At the end of the class i got a message, probably P'Pha saying he will see me at the class or something.

Wayo'sPhana: Baby you shouldn't look at your phone when you walk out of your class.

What? That wasn't what i was expecting, i also wasn't expecting to walk right into someones arms. That someone being the person who just texted me.

"Be glad it's me. You could've walked into someone elses arms and be taken away from me."

"P'Pha~ Stop being dramatic, people are watching!" i whisper shout. He just smiles and places small kisses on my lips and forehead.

"Let them watch." I slapped his chest and he just chuckled and hugged me into his chest, slowly shuffling us from left to right. He took my hand in his and we started walking to my last class.

Eclipse - A 2Moons FFTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang