Emo Rocker Guy and Preppy Girl (Arranged Marriage) [Chapter33]

Start from the beginning

“You need to relax,” Disarray said and laid me on the bed. I groaned when I felt her hands massaging my shoulders. She really knows how to calm me down. I flipped us over and she let out a giggle. She’s so freaking adorable.

“I love you,” I told her looking straight into her ocean blue eyes. I could not describe this strong feeling in my chest I had for her.

Her beautiful face softened up and she kissed me lightly. “I love you too.”


I parked into my old drive way. It feels so long that I’ve been here. I wonder how they were going to react when they see how I look now. I had jeans that weren’t too tight or too loose. I had a loose muscle shirt I got from The Hundreds online. I had Hundred shoes on too. My hair was not long anymore. It was in a messy style I knew Disarray liked.

We all got out and before we could knock, my mom came out. She looked directly at me and burst into tears. 

“Hi mom,” I said and went to give her a hug.

“Oh sweetheart! How much you’ve changed!” she said and started crying again.

“Mom, why are you crying?” I asked and looked down at her. She looked tired, but extremely happy to see me.

“I haven’t seen you over two months! And look at yourself sweetheart! You’ve gotten even more handsome,” she said and hugged me again. I smiled at her. I loved my mom very much and I’m glad that she’s happy.

“I missed you, mom,” I told her and she started crying again. My mom’s so emotional, and Alexandria got that trait. I turned to look at her and her eyes were glassy. I rolled my eyes at her.

“Mom, you know Disarray,” I said gesturing Disarray. Disarray blushed, “Nice to see you again Mrs. Castro.” I grinned at Disarray and she blushed again.

“This is Daniel, Disarray’s brother,” I said looking at Daniel. He went to shake her hand and she smiled at him.

“Your father is waiting for you,” my mom told me. I sighed and nodded. He’s probably in his small office.

“I’ll be back in a couple of minutes,” I told Disarray and gave her a peck. She nodded and smiled. I felt my mom’s gaze on us, but I ignored it. Here I go…

I walked up the familiar stairs to my dad’s office. I took a deep breath and knocked. I heard him clear his throat, “come in.” I recognized his hard voice. I opened and door and walked in.

“Hey dad,” I said lightly and took his familiar features. Just like my mom, his face was shocked.

“Conner?” he said surprised. I nodded and went to shake his hand. He still looked surprised and stayed silent.

A couple of seconds passed and he just kept staring at me.

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