Chapter 67. Coming back Home

Start from the beginning

"To be honest i don't mind the kinky stuff." I told him with a thinking expression.

"I know baby, but that's why i want to keep it in the bedroom. I just want it to add some spice to our lives, but i don't want it to take over our lives."

"I'm not going to leave you, i told you this. You'll always be my P'Pha."

"And you'll always be my Nong Yo" He pulled me in closer. Leaving a small kiss on my nose and putting his forehead against mine.

"Not so full of yourself anymore, hm?" I tease and give him a smirk.

He chortles and puts one of his hands on my cheek. "Loving you makes me humble."

"N'Yo, i really need you in my life, i might act all big and mighty but without you i'm nothing. Please promise you'll never leave me."

"P'Pha, i need you just as much as you need me. I trust you like you trust me. I want you to lean on me just as much as i lean on you. I Promise to never leave you, only if you promise as well."

"I Promise baby." He holds out his pinky and i lock mine with his and shaking on it, a pinky promise seems so childish but i can't help but to smile and laugh.

"Now can i get some underwear?"

"You sure u don't want to play?" He smirs and puts his knee against my groin.


"Just kidding, i'll get some for you hold on." He wriggles away from me and stands up to stretch, before he walks away i poke his butt and move back under the covers before he notices. But i just giggle. Hearing me, he pulls the covers just under my nose and stands up again with his side faceing me.

"If you want me to wear this again, you just have to ask babe. This ass is all yours." He pulls back the straps and releases it, making a slapping sound against his bare butt. I blush at his awaiting gaze at me and pull the covers back over my head. I can hear him laugh as he walks away.

Getting ready was quite a hassle, P'Pha refused to get dressed and would just walk around in the jockstrap, hiding my arousal was a bit of a task but my butt was too uncomfortable to play again in the morning. Eventually he had to get dressed though and pack our stuff and it was finally time to say goodbye to Pa and Dad and go back to our home on campus.

"Do you have everything. Call us if you need anything. Send me a message when you arrive safely. I'm going to miss you guys so much. Yo please come visit us again."

"Gump calm down, He isn't leaving forever besides you have work."

"I know, i just don't want to have to worry about them too much later, so i am using all my worry now."

"Pa. Don't worry. P'Pha takes good care of me and i will keep up with you frequently. Thank you for everything." I say with a smile and Gump brings me in for a hug and then hugs Pha as Sunz comes to stand in front of me.

"Come here whenever you want to son. Our home is your home." 

"Will do. Thank you Dad." I say and he picks me up for a hug.

"And if that asshole gives you any trouble, tell me. I'll kick his ass for you."

"That asshole is your son and is standing right here!" Pha teased his dad with a smirk. His dad smiled at him and gave him a manhug.

"Do well in school son. Stay healthy. We love you."

"Love you too old man. Pa, we're leaving now!" Pha says as he opens the door and pull the luggage with him.

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