Chapter 66. Unlucky

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Ray comes walking in telling us it's time for dinner but i'm not letting Beam go until he gives in. I'm being very childish right now but it's either this, seduction in front of his brothers or i jump him in his sleep."Forth, come on. Let go and go eat."

"Will you give me sex?"

"No. But i'm starting to think breaking your leg would be a good idea." He says annoyed but i know now that Beam can only make false threats. He might say he will break my leg again but most he will do is just hit my leg at half force or slap my chest and knock the air out of my lungs but i won't give up this time.

Simon just dissapeared into the dining room with Ray so nobody can see what i am about to do. "My sweet baby Beammie. Stop denying me. I know you have been missing me inside you." I whisper and stroke his side down to his thigh, making him shiver. I can hear his heartbeat starting to raise, the shuffling in his seat. This is the way to get my Beam. 

"F-forth. Sstop this, we...we need t-to go. They will see us."

"So? Let them see it, we've seen them right? Do you remember? I want to fuck you just like your brother fucked Simon. So are you giving Daddy what he wants Beammie?" I nip at his ear and trail feather like kisses on his neck.

"D-daddy Please..." Beam breathed out, his voice almost letting out a moan but he restrained it.

"Please what baby?"

"Please...Fu-Ray help!" Furayhelp? Is that some new position i don't know? I look at Beam confused but then i see his brother right in front of us, with the same anger around him like the first time Beam told him we were engaged. Even if he was only joking he was scary as hell but i still wanted to beat the hell out of him.

He walks closer and i thought he was going to punch me or throw me or something but instead he put his hand firm on my shoulder and dropped to sit on a knee. I looked at him with an uncomfortable epression.


"Nong Forth. You might be my brother-in-law but i don't want to see this kind of behaviour towards my little brother happening in front of me." He says glaring at me with dead cold eyes, his grip on my shoulder getting firmer, making me back away from Beam yet i cannot say a word. "Do i make myself clear?" 

"W-wait, B-but you and yo-Simon do it in fro-AISH!" I yelp as his uncomfortably firm hold turns into a painful bone crushing one. I try to move his hand of my shoulder but he just clamps down more, making my hands fall to the side and my body slump. "Am. I. Clear." He says trough gritted teeth. I know Beam won't break my bones but i'm not so sure about his brother.

"Y-yes sir." I say, scrunching up my face from the pain. The pain from my legs the past couple of days now just seem like getting punched by a baby compared to what he can do to me with just one hand. And i am by no means a weak man. 

He released my shoulder and i fall back against the couch with a thud. Ray smiles at me and has the audacity to ruffle my hair as he stands up like i am some small boy. He's only like...6 years older than me. I look over at Beam trying to breathe again and he just grinned mockingly at me before smiling at his brother.

"Thank you P'." Beam says and his brother let's out a chuckle.

"Always Xiao Bee." He says and kisses his Forehead. I want to feel jealous and say something but my conscience is telling me it's a better idea to stay quiet before i break another bone.

"Now are we going to eat or what? N'Forth, get over it. It was hardly a pinch. The food is getting cold." He says and walks over to the dining room again, Simon comes out of the dining room, probably to see what is taking so long but just as his head pokes out of the door, he is calmly being pushed back in by Ray.

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