Chapter 32. Park's Motive

Start from the beginning

"Come, get ready. Let's have a late breakfast together." Seeing as i usually eat breakfast at 7 or 8 AM, i call this a pretty late breakfast.

"Meh!" Is all that came out of his mouth and he grabbed onto my shirt again. I let out a happy sigh and get up out of bed. When i stood up and looked back at Yo, I could see the displeased look on his face whilst his eyes were still closed and his hands were reaching out to try and grab something. He probably wanted to hold me again, but he had to get out of that bed. He gave in and got out of bed with a pout on his face as he was heading towards the bathroom. I went back to my room to get ready and we then went to get some breakfast together. We ate and Yo asked the Aunty to pack some food for take-out. I asked him why and he said he wanted to bring some food for Beam and Forth, i didn't even think about that. When i am with Yo i really seem to forget about my friends. I really am a bad friend. We took my car and went to Beam's dorm. We got to their room, Forth finally started to try and move around the room with crutches but Beam kept nagging him to stay in bed. Yo gave Beam the food and Beam gave Yo a hug, i was already starting to feel the burning feeling in my chest again and the only words in my head seemed to be 'Dont' touch him!' and 'He's mine!'. It's hard for me to suppress those thoughts when people are hugging or even touching Yo, even when the guy hugging him is my best friend and his boyfriend is also in the room.

We didn't stay long, we had to go to the practice site. Kit and Ming were already there waiting for us. The training started, me and Kit were watching the juniors but more specifically our boyfriends. As we were busy watching them, Pring arrived. I was confused, even though she was last year's Star and got exemption from the classes to look over the juniors like me, last week she never attended the training sessions, not even once. Me and Kit kept on discussing what she was doing here, but his guess was just as good as mine. She sat down on a chair and watched the freshman with a neutral face. I glanced over at Yo, i guess he saw Pring because his face was looking a bit pale, he kept looking at us then at the ground for quite a few times and his movements were getting sloppy.

They were finally getting a break and Yo just sat down right where he stood. He started breathing heavily, not because of the training but because he felt scared or nervous. I kneeled down to sit next to him and held my arm around him, the others didn't seem to notice as they all did their own thing. Even Ming and Kit were just busy with each other somewhere else.

"Yo, are you okay?"

"P-P-P'." He looked at me and his mouth was left hanging open.

"Yo? What happened? Is it because of Pring?" He just shook his head and pointed towards the exit. I turned around to look at the exit but the only person standing there was Suthee.

"Yo, are you scared of Suthee?" I have seen the 2 of them talk casually before, i don't think he would be scared of Suthee. I held him for a moment and sat with him against the wall in a corner of the room, calming him down. He seemed to be calm now, so i tried to ask him again.

"Baby, what scared you just a moment ago?"

"I-I thought i saw P-Park."

"Park?" It would be really stupid of him to be here. if i ever catch him, he is dead.

"Yo, you probably saw someone else, He would most likely still be in the hospital after what happened to him 2 days ago. Ming really did a number on him."

"Yeah...i guess you're right P'." He didn't sound convinced but i am watching him constantly, so if Park shows up, i will protect my Yo. The practice was about to start again. I told him to try and relax and just focus on dancing. I helped him up and gave him a kiss on his nose before walking back to where i was observing them before, when i walked back i could see Pring give Yo a disgusted look and i really wanted to poke her eyes out, however she turned her head and approached me.

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