Chapter 22. Competition Talk

Start from the beginning

"I won't say it again until you fulfil your duty."

"But...Can we atleast finish what we started in the room"

"MINGKWAN!" The small senior kept slapping my back and shoulders as i ran away from him into the lobby. The other students already started gathering i looked at my watch and noticed it was almost time to leave, i scanned the lobby and found our friend with our stuff sitting in a corner, i took Kit's hand and walked us through the crowd of students swarming to our friends.

"Are you two done being all happy and slimey." Pha said chortling and Yo gave him a slap against the back of the head. I guess the two of them saw us together.

"P'Pha, what did i tell you. Don't annoy them."

"ah, ah, ah. Okay don't be mad at P' na." Pha put his arms around Yo but Yo didn't move.

"Who is the slimey one again, i can't tell." Beam was now making fun of Pha standing behind P'Forth, i've noticed P'Beam really enjoys teasing his friends, did he do this also before. I never saw him tease them but maybe he did with just the 2 of 'em around.

"Shut up Ai'Beam! You've been holding onto Forth's waist this whole time."


"What did you two do, didn't you say you wanted him to put in effort?" Kit was now asking Beam. I remember them still being on chasing-terms earlier, are they already back together? Good job P'Forth!

"We just ate in our room then came down here thats all."  

"I ate and you came you mean." Forth said smirking at Beam, raising an eyebrow.

"Ai'Forth be quiet!" P'Beam slapped Forth against his face but then put his hand back around P'Forths waist."

"Er, Ming how about you ride with Pha, Yo and Kit. So you don't have to go alone in the bus. I am riding with Forth, Wai and Aim." P'Beam turned to me and suggested. 

"Okay, thank you P'!" this made me happy, now i could spent 4 hours next to KitKat instead of 4 lonely hours with 20 loud students.

"You two definately did something up there didn't you?" Kit was still suspicious of Beam and Forth and so was i but i was too happy thinking about spending 4 hours cuddling P'Kit out on the road.

"Ai'Kitty stop being nosy. Tsk." Beam scoffed and rested his chin on Forth's shoulder.

"Just saying Ming, you're driving." P'Pha said. I thought i could cuddle with P' but no i need to drive?

"Awh, P' why. Maybe P'Beam doesn't trust me with his car." trying to make up a reason for P'Pha to drive.

"Ming i don't trust either of you with my car when your 'bottoms' are with you, but i trust you more than Pha. Yo only needs to sneeze and Pha will forget about the road and drive into a tree." P'Beams way of making fun of his friends was really getting to me i was laughing out loud with his words.

"Hey Beam, you're overreacting." Pha scoffed and threw a mean look at Beam.

"P'Pha, that literally almost happened when you drove us to school yesterday" Yo held his hand on his face and used it to rub his temples with his thumb and middlefinger. Okay maybe it is better if i drive.

"Auw, Yo you should support your boyfriend not his annoying friend."

"Boyfriend? Yo, are you two official now?" I asked.

"Mhm" Pha and Yo both nodded in unison with open eyes. 

"Heyyyy, Congratulations my friend." I pulled Yo out of his seat and hugged him whilst spinning in circles.

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