Chapter 13. Two-Timer

Start from the beginning

"Where do you want to eat P'?"

"Tsk, we have be driving for so long but only now you ask?" i laughed as he asked the belated question.

"Sorry P' I was caught up hearing your sweet voice, so i kinda forgot we were heading out to eat in the first place." He joined in with the laughter, his stupidity and his cheesy but smooth way of flirting were things to also like about him. Apart from some of his bad jokes and sometimes being annoying i could not find a bad thing about this kid, it was quite enticing.

"I don't know, you decide."

"You sure P'?" I just nodded at him, i actually was curious to find out what he enjoyed to eat, so i could take him there again maybe in the future or even prepare it myself. He gave me a wink and a nod before he continued driving, i guess he already knew a place.

"Okay P'KitKat, we are here" he was pushing my shoulder a bit as i was to into playing some game on my phone. I looked up to the surrounding and noticed we were parked next to the noodle stall across from my dorm building again.

"Hey, why are we here?"

"You just noticed where we are? weren't you always aware of your surroundings when on your phone?" i just hit him on his arm and snarled at him. He ruffled my hair. "Calm down P', i was kidding. i want to eat at the noodle stall with you again. Come let's go." He was saying as he exited the vehicle and i soon followed, again he took my hand and led me into the restaurant and found a spot for us. People were turning heads and gazing at Ming, i get it he's pretty now stop staring it's embarresing for me too.  He pulled up the chair for me and let me sit down before he sat down across from me. The waitress was a young girl who gave both of us some water and continued standing there staring and smiling at Ming, it was starting to scare me, no offense girl but you're creeping me out.

Ming just took a piece of paper and took the liberty of ordering for me again, he tried giving the waitress the order but she was just staring, i clapped my hands loudly in front of her face and woke her up from her dream she was having about my boyfriend. Wait he's not my boyfriend, i think? Not yet atleast. The girl took the order and we got our food shortly after. I noticed he ordered the same tofu noodle soup like the last time we came here, i murmured a small "Thank you" looking at my food but it was directed at Ming. I started eating but he was staring at me for quite a while as i was eating. 

"Why aren't you eating anything Nong?" i asked with noodles still being slurped into my mouth.

"Because i want to watch you eat first, you are cute when you eat like this." He was grinning at me again, i did not know what to do so i just began eating faster.

"Slow down P', if you continue eating like that you might choke" And low and behold, i start chocking. I tried reaching for the water but my arm was being shaken around too much by my coughing to grab it, then Ming held it in front of me and put the straw on my lips. I was able to drink and noodles slid down my esophagus - it felt weird - (A/N it really feels weird  when full strings on noodles all slide down at once, i can say from experience) . 

"Thank you Ming." i helt my hand on my chest waiting for the weird feeling to dissapear.

"I Told you to slow down." His voice was stern and he looked both serious and concerned.

"Mm...Sorry..." I felt ashamed, i interlocked my hands together and held them on my lap looking  at them.

"Huy P', Don't be upset i was just worried."

"It's Okay, i was being stupid." I looked up and smiled at him reassuring him, i did not want him to feel guilty about me being an idiot.

"Come, eat, eat." I told him as i began eating again, this time he did not stare and actually ate, we had a good time. He made me laugh with his stupid jokes, we talked about the most annoying couple Pha and Yo and made fun of them and overal i was just smiling the whole time i was with him. We finished our food and he told me he was going to the restroom before we went. I just sat there waiting when his phone suddenly started ringing, there shouldn't be anything wrong with me answering and telling them to call back later. So i picked up and answered the phone to something that put a questionable look on my face.

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