Chapter 3. The Changes i had to make.

Start from the beginning

It turned out that trying to be strong was a difficult thing to do, especially when the whole school now knew you as the chubby gay kid who got publicly rejected. Girls would laugh at me telling me things like; "I should just date food and not aim to get a boyfriend.", "You are cute, but nobody thought you had a chance. Didn't you know he was straight?". While the guys and even the boys in my class tried harassing me saying that if I didn't take them nobody would take me and I would end up alone. Some of the people even beating me up, even juniors were hitting me saying that I was "weird" & "disgusting". I really wanted Ming right now, his number did not work. I couldn't reach him. I was suffocating, losing to the negativity & depression trying to take me over.

Until I really don't know why, after about 1 month after Ming left a 2nd year student walked up to me looked down at me – he was quite a bit taller than me – and told me I should just leave the school saying we don't want any "fags" here. I snapped, instead of getting scared or anxious, I was fuming with anger. I gave him a cold stare into his eyes, grabbed his collar and slammed him to the floor. I just kept him down with my knee pressing down his chest and constantly punched him in the face until a teacher stopped me. I got in trouble, but I couldn't care any less. He deserved it.

The school not able to call my dad with him being to busy with his work, I just got suspended for a week. Causing me to miss my exams. All I was thinking about was how I wanted to just hit someone. All that fear, loathing and anger from the past month were finally released as I beat that guy up. I felt satisfied. Knowing that I would probably get into more trouble with that guy and his friends I had to change, Ming wasn't here to help me. I had to change so I could protect myself and fend off the people I didn't want to have around me.

During the one week I was suspended I tried to change, I started working out and losing weight, took some boxing lessons. I got rid of the glasses and wore contacts. Dressing differently, acting differently. However my face didn't change much I still had a bit of chubby cheeks, smooth and white skin which still made some strangers call me cute, whenever I heard that I just ignored them and did my own things. Being rude wasn't something I was afraid of.

             2 Months after Ming left, 2 weeks after I came back from my suspension my school life was a complete turnaround from before

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 2 Months after Ming left, 2 weeks after I came back from my suspension my school life was a complete turnaround from before. I stopped wearing my school uniform and just wore casual clothes and I would not take off my caps or earrings. I got into trouble but I would just say I lost my uniform every time until they gave up, every time they tried to contact my dad he wouldn't pick up or he would just tell them to stop complaining or else he would stop funding the school. My dad funded both the high school I was in and the university Ming told me he would go to, as well as some small stores and shops that needed a starting fund. I knew I was able to abuse my dad's connection with the school to make them leave me alone. My grades dropped but right now I even skipped some exams to just do nothing.

Whenever a guy looked at me funny or I heard him talk about me, I would confront him and stare him down and beat him up if he acted up. Most of the guys were scared of me, even though I am only 1.80m and not the biggest, they knew I could hurt them or put them into serious trouble if they did something to me with the help of my dad. I would curse at teachers, reject every girl/guy that wanted to ask me out in the rudest manner I could think of or sometimes I would date girls and just discard them after a day or 2 when I got bored of 'em. Short version: I was an asshole, no more was I the fragile, nice and cutesy chubby kid that they thought I was. Right now I was a cold and mean bully that people were scared of. I felt good, I felt in charge, I felt strong, no longer scared of anyone or what they thought of me, that is until I heard his voice as I pinned someone against the wall in another outburst.



So as i am writing this i noticed that my pace is really slow, but i wanted to give as much specification about the past as possible because its quite necessary for the progress of the 
story later on. Also i reimaged Yo as a bad boy but he is just to cute, what are your thoughts on confident bully Yo?

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