CHAPTER 52: Pearl

Start from the beginning

-"I love you Jade", he said, and hung up.

Why didn't I tell him about the kitty's soon-to-be name,

Well, he seemed a bit busy anyway.

I waited for Harry while watching The Simpsons.

I laughed at some dirty jokes and laughed even more at the thought of Matt Groening (the maker of The Simpsons) having such a weird imagination.

Soon after, I heard the clinging of keys.

I stood up and walked over the opening door.

-"Harry!", I jumped happily, making him laugh.

-"Whoa!", he said, coming up to me and giving me a tight hug.

-"Sorry, I was a bit bored", I giggled.

-"I see", he said, looking at the biscuits on the table and the TV turned on.

-"Are you done with work? Are you going to be all day with me tomorrow?", I asked him.

-"Yes. We worked our butts off today, just because Zayn and I protested for it", he said, proud.

I stood up on my toes and kissed his chin. He is so damn tall.

-"Give me a proper kiss will you? It was a long day", he said.

I grinned and kissed his lips, as he leaned down and lifted me up, wrapping his arms around my waist.

-"Hey Harry", I said, separating our lips and making him frown, while climbing off of him.

-"I finally came up with a name for the kitty",I said, clapping my hands.

-"Really? What's the name?", he asked.

-"Pearl. Because she is as white and shiny as a pearl!", I said.

-"I'm impressed!", he said, nodding in approvement.

I cheekily smiled and grabbed the white cat.

-"Hello Pearl", I said.

She just stared at me. As usual.

-"Okay, fine! If you don't want to have a nice conversation then whatever", I said, sticking my tongue out at the confused cat.

-"Jade you make no sense", Harry laughed.

I shrugged and let the cat go.

-"I will miss you so bad", I said, looking at Harry.

-"Me too, believe me", he said. I nodded.

-"For how long are you going to be out, exactly?", I asked.

-"Around six months or eight I suppose", he sighed. I pouted my lips.

-"Babyboy, what will I do without you?!", I said dramatically, putting my hand on my forehead and falling against the couch.

Harry chuckled and hovered over me, leaning down, close to my face.

That was something a bit unexpected.

-"Jade you have no idea of how much I love you", he said, holding himself over me with only one arm while caressing my face with the other hand.

-"You have no absolute idea of how much I want you", I sensually replied, scanning through his beautiful features and passing my finger through his sharp jawline.

I love the way he smiles at me... it's the way every girl wants to be smiled at.

-"You know we were meant to be together right?", he asked.

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