The Light of Day [The Darkened Time Series Book 3] ~ 2

Start from the beginning

"Anyway," he says, "I'd best be going now. I've got an organization to take down."

He turns, and walks away.

I blink, as if frozen in place. Suddenly, I realize I probably should give him his pokemon back, but somehow he's already gone, and a door with gigantic holes in it slowly swings shut, the air causing the coals left from the flames that must have barraged the door to spark.


What am I doing? Sheesh. That was soooo random of me. Whatever, though, I guess I'll just... go and find the leaders of Team Rocket. Then, a thought suddenly strikes me. Where is Team Rocket? I mean, I know there must have been a couple hundred or thousand or something in those gigantic helicopters, but what about the other one hundred seventy-nine thousand?

My question is answered as, while descending a spiral staircase, I look out a window to see a swarm of these gigantic helicopters heading every which way. There must have been at least a thousand, and probably more going in different directions and ones I couldn't see.

I gulp, and reach the bottom of the staircase.

In front of me is a huge room, probably once wonderful but now like a war scene.

People, not wearing Team Rocket clothing, are everywhere, strong pokemon in front of them. They are frozen in all different poses, and a few Team Rocket members are lying sprawled on the ground only a few feet away from me.

What happened here?

While it was like a war scene, there were no other signs, and the room was like new. My attention is drawn away from the room as a Team Rocket member stirs violently, and I realize he must have been knocked out, not frozen. I move to walk towards him, then stop myself. Obviously, Team Rocket must have created something to bypass the effects of this freezing device.

How can I find out what they're using?

Maybe... it only freezes my foot if I put just my foot inside its range? Then I could pull my foot back out? I slowly inch forward, using my foot to test the range. I manage to make it to the Team Rocket member nearest me, and I can tell by the small, simply R logo on his shirt that he is a little more elite. Then, a purple gem on a string around his neck catches my attention. Could it be?

I reach out, and slowly take it off his neck, and place it around mine.

I don't feel any different...

I decide to test this flimsy theory, foolishly walking into the midst of the elite trainers.

But I remain unfrozen.

I breath a sigh of relief.

"Hey!" a voice shouts from behind me. I whip my head around.


He runs toward me, holding a pokeball in his hand, his face a grimace.

I gulp, about to warn him.

Then he freezes.

I sigh, and walk slowly towards him. Then past him. I walk up to the other unconcious Team Rocket guy, a little more elite with a gigantic red R taking up his entire shirt, and a blue gem around his neck. I wonder absently what the difference is between the purple and red gems.

Then I freeze.

But I didn't mean to.

---/Elsewhere in that City, maybe two minutes earlier/---

A girl screams loudly, as her mother tries in vain to calm her down, while glaring the best she can at the two men who had walked into her hotel.

"What do you want?" she asks, trying to make her young daughter move away from the men, to hide somewhere.

"Nothing much," says the one who had blasted the door open with his pokemon.

"Yes. Nothing much," echoes the other.

He strides past her, and pulls a device out of his pocket.

"Right here?" he asks her, pointing towards a random peice of wall.

She just stares at him, with no clue what he means.

Without waiting for an answer, he punches right through the wall, and it crumbles to show a bunch of electrical items.

"What do you want?" she repeats, trying -and failing- to keep her fear under control.

"Oh, just total domination of this city," he finally replies, fingering a blue gem which hung around his neck. Then he plugged the device into the wall, flicked two switches, and turned, walking towards the cash register. He ripped it open, and pulled out a wad of crisp money.

Grinning, he and his partner left the hotel.

The woman had said nothing after he had turned on the device.

And if their plan succeeded, the silence all over the city would be replicated all over the region.

Complete silence.



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Come back next time for chapter 3!

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