A bloody hell (EXPLICIT)

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______ Marshall's POV_____

I walked into the building slowly with the hood over my head and my hands in my pocket. The room was large and dark, the roof full of holes and the floor was just mud. I swallowed hard when I saw them in front of me, The Fist ... He turned to me when he heard footsteps.

"Marshall ..." He said, I look into his eye. He lost one eye when he was stabbed in the face ... Scars covered his face as an evil grin grew on his face. I looked up when two huge men emerged from the shadows with a large rifle in their hand each and stared at me. I looked at The Fist again.

"Wha----" He punched me down with a powerful blow to the jaw that sent my jaw out of joint, blood running out of my mouth while I was trying to make the least possible noise.

"Get the fuck up." He said acidic and stared down at me.

I grabbed my jaw and felt that it just hung under my head, just skin, tendons and muscles kept it more or less stuck to my head. I squeezed my eyes shut and cracked my jaw back in place with a painful groan that I failed to withhold. I stood up and wiped away the blood around my mouth, although it continued to bleed anyway.

He crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head.

"Almost 18 years have I fucking been patient on you giving back my money. 18 YEARS !!" He shouted at me, I stared at him with narrow, killing eyes. He saw the look in my eyes under the hood. "Oh you trynna scare me, Mathers? I can scare you by just saying ONE word." He said with furious eyes "Cubard." I let out a shaky breath and tightened my fists.

"I Got the money, I can pay you right at this moment." I said strictly, he smirked.

"Money? Oh I'm way past you giving me the money back ... As a matter of fact, I want you to do me a favor... He grabbed my hood and pulled it down so he could see my face, blood still ran from my mouth while I stared mad into his eyes.

"2 Million, right here. Right now." I knew that the favor was illegal and not I ain't doing any illegal shit as a payment. He shook his head and took a step closer to me while he didn't let my go of my gaze.

"I don't think you understand fully ... Do what I tell you to ... Or she dies." He smiled when he saw I got a spasm throughout my body. "Got it?"

"If you even put your fucking hands on her, I won't think twice to pull the trigger on you ..." I said through clenched teeth. He made a sign to a guys behind him, I heard a click, then a loud bang before I grabbed my leg with big eyes and let out a scream. I looked down at my leg with big eyes and saw blood formed a large red spot around the hole on my pants. He sat down on his knees beside me and pushed me down to the ground so I let go of the gunshot wound in my leg. He stared into my eyes cold.

"The last thing you want is to threaten me..." He said threatening, I stared at him hard while shaking with pain. "So ... I want you to take care of somebody for me, then I will stop bothering you and let you and your loved once alone. What do you say?" TAKE CARE OF SOMEONE!? I spat out blood on my side while I sweated.

"Go fuck yourself." I said hard through clenched teeth. He looked at me furiously and held up two fingers, I looked at him quizzically. Suddenly, both my arms was pushed back down on the ground and the two men with rifles stood with one foot on my hands each. I looked back at The Fist as I sat in a loud scream.

He led the two fingers in the wound in my leg and dug in, blood and sweat flowed while I screamed my lungs out on the indescribable pain in my leg.

"Are you gonna do it?" He asked quietly, I screamed even more as I shook my head. He pushed the bullet in deeper and I got big eyes while I screamed even louder. "You gonna do it?" He asked again.

"YES!!!!" I screamed, he grabbed the bullet and pulled it out quickly, I let out another scream before I shut myself up whole shaking violently.

"Good. I'll call." Then it all went black ...


I opened my eyes slowly because of the sun shining through the hole in the roof and straight at my face, I grabbed my forehead because of a huge headache. I sat up with a groan and looked at my leg, fucking hell ... I got up and limped over to the car, I sat in the driver's seat and drove to the nearest gas station. I pulled the hood over my head and limped inside. The girl behind the counter looked up.

"Bathroom ..." I said without looking up.

"On your left, you aigh't sir?" I grunted in reply and walked into the bathroom, I locked the door behind me. I pulled off my hoodie and pants. I limped over to the sink and looked at myself in the mirror, a big bruise on my forehead and a slightly swollen jaw, it was also slightly purple. I opened my mouth and spat out more blood down in the sink.

I grabbed tissue and turned on the tap, I soaked the tissues and washed the gunshot wound while I bit my other hand to keep myself quiet. When I had finished washing it, I grabbed my hoodie and tore off the lower part of the jacket and tied it tightly around my leg so the pressure was on the wound and stopped the bleeding. I washed my face and saw lots of blood running down the drain along with the tap water.

I sighed to myself and turned it off, I wiped my face with paper towels and put on my pants again, I looked at the broken and dirty hoodie before I threw it and opened the door. I limped out of the bathroom and grabbed a cupcake. I threw $ 3 on the counter and limped toward the door.

"You ... You're Eminem ... You're ... Holy ..." She started. Oh for fuck sake.

"Hi, how are you. I'm good thanks, excuse me!" I said, and limped out and over to the car ...

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