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I smiled at him while we lay in bed and looked into each other's eyes.

"Good to know that I lost my virginty to someone who was good..."  I said smiling, he chuckled at me while I laid my head on his chest.

"...I really don't want to keep this secret, y'know..." I met his gaze, he looked at me sad. "I Just want everyone to know, cause now... If anyone flirts with us, we gotta flirt back so people won't notice anything different..." Sighing he put his arm around me.

"But, why do we have to keep it as a secret--- Never mind." I said as soon as I realized it, it was for my and his own best.

"You do?" He asked quietly, I nodded.

"Yeah, I haven't told you that I'm a model? I can't have that reputation on my shoulders, y'know..."

"You're A model? Damn, my secret lover is a model!" He said grinning, I laughed at it, but then he became serious. "Why can't you have that reputation?" He asked, I sighed and sat up in the bed.

"I'm the cute model, the innocent little face of Vogue. That'll be totally destroyed if they find out I date the angry and aggressive rapper Eminem..." I said and laughed briefly, he nodded smiling.

"Yeah, I see that!" He laughed, I met his gaze uncertain.

"What's Your reason that no one can know about us?" I asked, he smiled uneasily to me.

"I just got out of a marriage, I'm supposed to be heartbroken and torned since she cheated on me ... I am, but people will not believe it was just her fault that our marriage broke when the find out I date you, one week later."

"That recent ??" I asked, he nodded. "I'm Sorry ... Sorry."  I said and he gave me a slight smile.

"Let's talk about something else! I'm gonna perform on MTV tomorrow, wanna be my date?" He asked and winked at me.

"Date? I thought no one were gonna know about us?" I laughed and met his eyes again.

"THEY will just know that I brought my best friend to see me perform on MTV, WE know it's a date!" He winked, laughing and looked at the closk to check the time, the clock approached 8 at night, I was going on photoshoot in an hour.

"Okay. But! When is it?" I asked, he met my gaze again.

"Tomorrow Night."

"Perfect! Do you wanna come with me on a photoshoot today?"

"Sure, when?"

"Great! I just gotta call my assistant and my agent! It sounds pretty cool, right!" I said smiling, he laughed and sat up in bed while I went out into my wardrobe, a large walk-in closet.

"What Kind of photoshoot is it?" He asked, I smiled as I answered.

"I'm happy you said yes before I told you it's a bikini photoshoot." I said, Marshall appeared in the door behind me smiling.

"Bikini? Oh, I'm definetly coming aigh't!" He said, smiling.

"Thought so ..." I said and turned around to find something to wear, I laughed when I felt his hands on my bare my hips and his soft breath on my neck.

"How long time do we have till you gotta be there ..?" He whispered smiling, I laughed briefly.

"An hour, but I really need to call my assistant at least, he gotta bring me the usual." I said, Marshall turned around so I met his eyes.

"Aigh't, call him then ..." he said smiling and gave me my flip phone, I took it smiling as he started kissing my neck while he held me against the wall.

"Oh God, Marshall ..." I moaned and took the cell phone up to my ear. "If you continue, he'll probably notice ..." I said smiling, he stopped kissing me sour and looked into my eyes.

"Alexis! Uhm ... Hi!" It come from the other end, I laughed briefly when I heard a girl shouting "what is it ??" in the background.

"I Hear you were busy, Brian! Hahaha! Anyways, I'm going on a photoshoot in an hour. I need a car, my usual Latté and a t-shirt for men in large." I said, Marshall looked at me smiling and held in a laugh.

"A ... Uhm, a t-shirt? Why?" He asked and coughed low when the girl again shouted after him.

"Brian, don't ask, just do? Okay? I love you so much, but hurry! Be here in 30 minutes." I said, and hung up, I met the eyes of Marshall again.

"15 Minutes, Is that enough?" I said smiling, he shook his head and leaned closer to me.

"I guess I have to be fast then ..." he said smiling, I laughed briefly as he met my gaze with his blue eyes.

"You have so fucking beautiful eyes, you know that ... It's a real turn-on ..." I said and he kissed me with a big grin.



I smiled at Marshall and kissed him quickly on the cheek before I went to the bedroom door and unlocked it. Brian stood outside and met my gaze, he coughed low when he saw I had not buttoned up my shirt. I laughed short and buttoned the last button.

"Uhm, Here's a t-shirt for men in large." He said, handing me the T-shirt as Marshall appeared behind me, he met the eyes of Brian and took the T-shirt without so much as a thank you.

"Marshall, be my best friend and be polite. I'm sorry Brian." I said, patting him on the back, I went behind him to Marshall and slapped him in the back of his head hard.

"OW! He said angry, I looked at him warningly. He sighed and walked over to Brian (Ryan Reynolds) and held out his hand.

"Uhm, It was nothin---" Brian began and smiled at Marshall, Brian looked terrified... 

"Whatever, thank you. Happy now, mrs. Cubard!" He laughed and showed me the finger, I laughed and showed him the finger back.

"Uhm, so are you ... Just ...." He gestured with his hands and brought them together with a brief smile.

"Oh !! NOO !! Never in a million years! He's my best friend, we've been friends since we were 10." I said smiling, Marshall gaped sourly behind Brian and I had to laugh a bit, but as soon as Brian turned to him, nothing had ever happened ... Hahaha!

"Heheh ..." I laughed staring at Marshall. "You see, he was drunk so I offered him to sleep here a couple of hours ... Have you heard of him by the way? He's kinda famous!" I said smiling.

"I ... I have heard of him yes. Eminem, right?" He asked, I laughed briefly and hugged him smiling.

"He's not like the media says, he's really nice actually! But anyways, have you got my Latté and car?" I asked and relaxed my grip on him with a slight smile.

"Outside, you want me to come with you or am I... Free to go? Haha." He laughed, I smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"You can go, see you tomorrow!" I said smiling and took the hand of Marshall in mine, he leaned close to me as we stood in the elevator.

"Why the fuck did you say I was drunk ..?" He asked smiling, I laughed briefly and kissed him quickly.

"You Usually was when you came over to my house before, so why not use it as an excuse when you are "sleeping" over at my place?" I smiled, he laughed briefly and pulled me up until his face was against mine and we looked into each other's eyes.

I brought my hands underneath his shirt smiling, I laughed briefly and gaped when he pressed the emergency button, which stopped the lift.

"Marshall !! WHA --- "Marshall smiled as he shushed me and began buttoning up my shirt, for each button he unbuttoned I became more and more turned on...

When he unbuttoned the last button, he got what he wanted...

Wake Up Call (English) #Wattys2016Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя