Taco Bell

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"Right!" Said Marshall and stood up, he was still in only a boxer and waited: probably on me to say 'Dare' one last time ...

"Right what?" I asked dumb and met his gaze, he sent me a brief glance before he walked to the kitchen.

"I'm fucking starving ..." he said and looked through the cupboards, he took his Mountain Dew and phone before he went back and sat down on the sofa. "Aigh't, Pizza or taco bell?" He asked and looked at me.

"... neither ??" I said smiling, he 'pfft' -ed me before he took the phone up to his ear.

"Taco Bell !!" He said and took a big sip.

"You can't order by phone fro--"

"Nah, I know. I know a guy ..."

"... It's Proof isn't it ..." I laughed, he met my gaze.

"Noooo ..? Proof showing up in a fucking drive-through unnoticed ..? I think NOT!" He said, before his attention went to the phone. "Yo Paul ... Yeah, ma-- How you doing? ... Great, shut up. We hungry, can you get us some Taco Bell? Hahaha! Yeah, of course! That's my favorite, make sure it's fucking pink as well !! WITH A DRESS! ... Hahahah! Nah, but dude. I'm fucking starving ... Nah, Proof ain't here now, I'm with Alex. She'll have the pink one, guaranteed..." I threw a pillow at him. "No, but fo'real. What you want?" He asked and looked at me.

"Uhm ... Taco ..?"

"... you're shittin 'me right? SHE WANTS A TACO! PAUL SHE WANTS FROM TACO TACO BELL! Of course they got taco, I'm asking what kind, duh ..."

"Don't be mean, I never have fast-food."

"Clearly ..." He laughed.

"I'll have what you have then!" I said, he met my gaze.

"You sure?" He laughed, I nodded a little bit nervous. "Aigh't ... Alex want the same as me ..!" I heard a loud laughter on the other end.

Oh god, what have I gotten myself into ...



Marshall looked at me frustrated before he got up from the couch.

"I'm fucking nervous about you daring me ..."He pointed at me threatening, which gave me an idea!

"Marshall?" He groaned and looked at me skeptical. "I DARE you to open that door ..." His eyes went big and pointed at himself, then the door, then himself again.

"YOU WANT ME TO OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR NAKED !!!??" I nodded with a huge grin and pointing to his boxer.

"What goes up, must go down ..." I said and smiled innocently at him.

"Aigh't ... He said and pulled off his boxer, I burst out laughing when I stared at his bare ass as he turned around, even more when he went to the door.

He locked it up and opened it to Paul, Paul looked straight at Marshall and gave the bag which said  'Taco Bell'.

"Here ya go ..." he said without dropping Marshall's gaze.

"Thank you!" He said, looking back at him, I couldn't fucking stop laughing !! Marshall could've slammed the door by now and looked at me with a murderous glance, but NOOOO! He would rather stand in front of Paul completely naked, struggling to keep the laughter on a low, with me laughing behind him!

"How's your day been?" Asked Paul, Marshall coughed briefly and leaned against the doorframe.

"Quite normal, Alex kissed Stacy and other than that ... Nothing special"! He said, smiling briefly.

"Wait, Alex kissed Stacy ??" Asked Paul.

"Yeah, I dared her to do it and to words man: Fucking hot!" He laughed, Paul nodded and looked over Marshall's shoulder at me, I was still laughing and had tears in my eyes when I met the eyes of Paul. He dropped my gaze and looked at Marshall questioning.

"WHY are you naked, exactly ..?" He asked, laughing, Marshall raised his shoulders.

"You know me, man. I can't keep it in my pants ..." he said with a small chuckle at the end, Paul burst out laughing and shook his head before he turned around.

"I'll leave you guys to it, don't open the door naked anymore!" He laughed as he walked down the stairs.

"I don't know, it's refreshing to have air on my balls..." Said Marshall pensive.

"Jesus ..." Said Paul and Marshall closed the door to meet my gaze.

"Happy now, ain't no one but you, Proof and my fucking manager who's seen my dick now..." He said and walked over to me, he fell down on the couch, naked.

"OH MY GOD !! HAHA HAHA !! You're-HAHAHA !!!"

"Fuck off, you love it and you know it. Now shut up and eat!" He said and handed me the bag, it was pretty big ...

Ah, fuck ...

Wake Up Call (English) #Wattys2016Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz