When it happens again

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I looked down at the ring on my finger while I sat on the bed in my apartment the next day. Marshall had taken a blood test today, they were gonna test the DNA in his blood with ... the kid I have in my belly ... I looked down at the ring quietly before I looked up and out the window. What if it's not his? What am gonna I do?

I picked up my phone as it rang and practically pushed it up to my ear when I pressed reply.

"Marshall ?? Have they said anything! What did they say! Did they tell you anything ?? Are you the dad? Please tell me you're the dad!" Sentences rolled out of me one by one.

"Relax!" He chuckled. "You know, you should breath sometimes too ..." I stroked my nose with a sigh.

"I'm just worried, okay ..." I muttered, I heard he sat down on the bed.

"I know, but for now ... Just calm down and think of whatever makes you happy. Aigh't?" I smiled briefly and nodded to myself.

"Yeah ... Well ... What makes me happy is that you're almost been there a week now ... How are you feeling?" He sighed briefly.

"Like a teenage girl on a fucking diet." I burst out laughing, that was NOT something I expected! "Moody because I feel like I can't eat whatever I want to! And they won't let me work out for now, cause they need to watch me at all times ... What the fuck am I supposed to do then ??" I laughed briefly.

"Masturbate as you always do when you're bored?"

"Nah, against the rules. I learned that lesson to put it that way." I burst out laughing and sighed to myself with a smile.

"Horny bastard."

"What you expect! I can't fuck you and I can't masturbate, by the time I'm outta this bitch, I'll have blue balls and cling on to your ass like it's a damn human right. WHICH IT IS!" I raised my eyebrow.

"My ass is a human right?"

"No, your ass is my right, it should be against the law to put me in a place that I can't have your ass at all times." He sighed to himself. "I wanna get outta here ... Just for a day or something, a couple of hours ... I don't care, just for a small amount of time." I smiled as I looked down at my ring.

"I can see what I can do, maybe if I come with you everywhere you go you can get out for a little amount of time. That way you'll have someone watching your every move."

"Yeah, that sounds great. You gonna wipe my ass while you're on it too?" He said sarcastically.

"Oh my God, Marshall ... Don't be so negative!"

"What? You are ??"

"NO! The fuck, wipe your own ass!"

"What if I don't wanna?"

"Then that's your fucking problem, you sick fuck." He burst out laughing and coughed briefly. "But I gotta go ... Have to cook myself something, I'm hungry..."

"Oh ... I wanna talk to someone else than the voice in my head though..."

"Stop saying that, you sound like a crazy person."

"Fine, fine ... No. Oh ..." He took a deep breath. "Before you go, can you ..." He sighed and I heard his breath trembled. "Can you just come here for 5 minutes or something ... I have something you need to do for me ...." I nodded gently, what does he want that is so important to him?

"Of course ... Are you okay?" A small whimper escaped his lips.

"Yeah, just hurry. Please?" I nodded quickly.

"Yeah, I'll be right there. I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"Thank you."

"No problem ..." I smiled and was about to hang up. "Hey!" I took phone to my ear again.

"What?" I asked gently.

"I love you." I smiled and felt my cheeks flush and get warm.

"I love you too ..." I smiled and hung up while I ran into my bedroom, I got out of my night shirt, which was one of Marshall's GIANT t-shirts ... I put on my jeans, a white singlet and Marshall's hooded jacket over it. I smelled it with closed eyes and just enjoyed the scent of him, God I miss sleeping with his arms around me ... I felt the loneliness creep on me again and kept my eyes closed. I imagined Marshall come walking in through the door and meet my gaze. Hearing him say that he's back and hear him say he's officially sober ... And then dragging me up against his muscular chest and lay his strong arms around me protectively while he kissed my forehead ...

I opened my eyes and saw the empty doorway, no Marshall ... No one at all ... I sighed and grabbed the medallion around my neck with a faint smile. "It was't a mistake, Alex ... I love you."

I took a deep breath and bit myself in my lower lip when I came to think of Proof. It was him who got Marshall to at all consider writing the little note ... Hadn't he got me and Marshall in the room above the bar, we hadn't kissed ... We wouldn't have laughed together and slept together... We wouldn't said that we loved each other ... All I have with Marshall, is because of Proof. I sniffed briefly and hugged the medallion in my hand hard. Thanks, Proof ... Thank you ...

I picked up the car keys and rushed out the door while I dried my tears, I ran out and into the street. I went to my car and looked down at my phone a little while, the picture of Marshall who slept and Proof that made faces behind him. The picture I took of them on the plane ... I smiled and put the phone back in my pocket as I heard a loud bang and a pain in the back and then another blow, this time I heard a bang in metal afterwards. I turned around with wide eyes and saw a black car driving away quickly. I looked down at my belly, red began to form on my white top. I put my hand over it and saw that it was blood, I looked up again when some people came running towards me in slow motion. A high pitched noise drowned the yelling as I fell on my knees in front of the car while I held my stomach which constantly bled.

My eyesight became increasingly blurred, but right in my field of vision I saw something white that shone strongly. I met his brown eyes as he looked at me with wide eyes, he shook his head toward me slowly. I looked at him with wide eyes as I tried to speak, but didn't get out a word. I couldn't say anything or control myself ... He shook his head at me and pointed to his ring finger while giving me a look, I collapsed on the ground with my face against my limp, bloody hand laying on the ground in front of me. In the midst of the red blood that covered my hand, the ring I had gotten from Marshall was shining in the sun... Marshall ...


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Wake Up Call (English) #Wattys2016حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن