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I looked at my laptop and surfed through different pages when a blue side came up with a white bird in the middle. Twitter? Hm ... I think I heard something about it being launched last year or something like that ...

"Brian ??" I cried, he walked into the bedroom and met my gaze. "Do you have a twitter?" I asked and pressed the 'create new user' cause why not?

"A what?" He asked and stood beside my chair, I looked up at him.

"I wanna have one, if I like it can you get one too?" I asked and took his hand in mine, he raised his eyebrows at me.

"Uhm ... Sure, why not ..." he said and took a chair and sat down beside me. I looked back at the screen again.

"It says full name, does that mean my middle name too?" I asked.

"I don't think they'll search it up and sue you if you don't write it ..." he chuckled, I nodded and just wrote Alexis Cubard. Email address ... Password ...

"This is easy!" I said smiling. Phone number, okay! "Username? Isn't my name enough ??"

"Oh what about those recommendations though ..." Brian pointed at the bottom.

"... I like this one ... It's simple and just me." I said, and chose the username 'AlexisCubard' (Really, search it up on twitter ...;))

When I had added a profile pic and a background pic of my fiancé, god I love this! Then I immediately got many followers and a notification came up.

"I'm gonna make a quick call, I'll be right back ..." Said Brian as his pager started beeping, I nodded and pressed the notification and saw there were someone who had tweeted me;

"AlexisCubard Dump Brian and marry Marshall!"

What??? Can you really write something like that !?

Me: What ?? That's just rude!

I rolled my eyes when it got tweet after tweet and preesed an icon at the top right. Oh, I can write something! Okay, hmmmm ....

Me: Found this webpage called Twitter! Seems interesting

Irony, right now I'm actually a little pissed on what people ask me ... I love Brian, no one's be happy for me and doesn't even congratulate me on the engagement? I looked at the screen again when it came a whistle sound.

"AlexisCubard Where's Marshall right now?"

Me: I don't know ... He seemed to be in a rush, maybe at home by now ...

I was just about to get me something to drink when I received another tweet. What the hell !?

Sarah: Why are you dating a balless dude? Shouldn't you be datin' a guy with equally large balls as you? Y'know, to even things out.

I sat down in the chair again and wrote back.

Me: I'll have you know that BRIAN is tough too. He's good with words

Sarah: Yeah ... Cuz Marshall sure as hell isn't good with words! Tell me, who have read the dictionary?

Then a guy came into the conversation ??

A guy: Compare him to Marshall, he sucks with words

Me: Marshall! But that's not the point! Brian is perfect and nice to me!

Seriously what a bitch! What the heck ... The worst thing is that she actually, in a sick way, makes sense ...

Me: Who are you ???

Wake Up Call (English) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now