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I looked down at the medallion and thought of his words before I opened it.

'I'm in love with you too, but don't tell anyone! Shhhhh!' was inscripted on the inside of the medallion. Awe...

"God, this guy ..." I giggled and looked out the window. "Who am I acting against ..?" I asked without turning around.

"Chris Evans." She said, oh him---- EKLBJEIAWUVW !!!

"Wait WHO ?! CHRIS EVANS ?! The Human Torch !?" I turned toward her with big eyes, she stared at me.

"Did you even listen when I talked to you at Marshall's place ??" She asked.

"... No ..?" I laughed nervously and sat back in my seat. "Chris Evans though ... WHY ME ..."

"Why you is exactly what came to my mind, why do you have to get all the hot guys ?!" She exclaimed, I turned toward her.

"I knew you thought of him as hot !!! I KNEW IT !!" I said with wide eyes

"... Wait, who are we talking about? Marshall?" I rolled my eyes at her. "Of course he's hot, I've even told you. I asked you if I could flirt with him and everything ..." She chuckled, oh yeah that's right ...

"What the heck is wrong with me and my memory right now ..." I said, rolling my eyes at myself. I'm so damn stupid sometimes ...

"... I have a pretty good idea of ​​the reason, but let's not talk about him now ..." she said and smiled at me briefly ... Can we talk about him? Like, just a little...


"Hi, I'm Chris! You're Alexis right?" Chris said and came walking towards me as I walked into the hall, I smiled at him friendly.

Be professional, professional ...

"Hi, yes! You're hot!" I turned back against him, what is wrong with me?! "Fuck!" He laughed and tapped me on the shoulder with a friendly smile.

"Well, to be fair! So are you ..." He winked at me fooled until he coughed briefly. "You're not dating Eminem are you ??" He asked quickly.

"No, I'm not. But seriously though, can Eminem scare The Human Torch?" He chuckled and met my gaze.

"To be honest, maybe, but the rest of the guys would back him up ... Anyways, now I gotta be a little more romantic and less douchy ..." He chuckled, I nodded curtly.

"Yeah, come on Romeo. I gotta get rid of my constant swearing to become Juliet ..." I said and nudged him in the shoulder.

"You don't swear that much, I mean ... I've only heard you swear once!"

"You have no idea." I laughed and walked onto the stage to the director.

Wake Up Call (English) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now