When it's starting...

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I walked in through the door to the studio where we were gonna have the photoshoot, Marshall followed shortly after as he chewed his cheek slightly annoyed. I know I said I'd be ... Eh ... Naked, but for fuck sake ... I'm not that fucked in the head! I have a boyfriend so I won't go that far...

About him... I turned to him and met his gaze.

"I swear, I'm gonna be so fucking mad if you go through with this, Alexis!" He said hard, I walked over to him and stroked my hands over his chest, he didn't move and looked at me mad. I leaned towards him and stroked my lips over his neck while I whispered to him.

"Relax, baby ... Remember, I'm all yours ..." He inhaled sharply, I knew I had him running through my fingers and smiled briefly. I kissed his neck before I let go and turned around, I walked away from him ... I went into the dressing room and changed into a tiny bikini, and as I had put it on I heard a loud crash outside and a scream . I got big eyes and ran out, what a shock ... Three male models had gone to the set and Marshall stood amid the things that he had crushed to get his anger out, I ran over to him and pulled him towards me. I looked into his eyes. "Calm down!" I looked down at his hands, they were... Shaking..? I took his hands in mine and looked into his eyes, something was wrong ... "Why are you so mad right now? Why are your hands shaking ??" I asked upset, he breathed rapidly as he tried to calm himself down, his hands shook even more ...

"Just do your fucking job and leave me! LEAVE ME LIKE EVERYONE ELSE DOES!" I got big eyes and shook my head.

"What, no !! Marshall, I was just gonna prove you a point! Is that the reason why your hands are shaking ??" Was it my fault ..? He bit his lower lip pissed before he dropped my hands and stormed away, Stacy came in through the door as Marshall burst out. She looked after him questioningly and met my gaze.

"Hey, uhm ... What's going on with him ??" She asked, I looked over at her and ran into the locker room again. I got dressed again, I'm not doing this now! There is something wrong! I stormed out of the locker room again. "Alex !! Where are you going !?" She shouted and stood in front of me, I rolled my eyes.

"I'm gonna be there for my boyfriend, bitch !! Get out my way or I'll walk through you!" I said hard, she got big eyes and took a step to the side. I ran out the door when I saw his car drive with tremendous speed away. I cursed low to myself and ran to Stacy's, I found her key from behind the mirror, she is forgetful, so she has extra keys behind the mirror so that she always gets into the car. Something that I knew of and therefore can exploit!

I drove home and ran into the house, I got big eyes when I saw all the pills on the floor, bottles after bottles with pills lay strewn throughout the house. No...

"MARSHALL !!!" I shouted and ran around to find him, not those pills again !! NO!! PLEASE!! I stopped when I saw the figure in the bathroom and turned toward him slowly while tears flowed down my cheeks, my eyes were huge and tears flowed down my cheeks as I saw him ... Holy shit ...


What do you think he did? :O

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