Hi there "friends"

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Marshall was still smiling when we drove into the parking lot to his hotel and stopped the car in a corner and turned to me.

"I'm leaving tomorrow ..." He said, I looked at him shocked. He couldn't expect that I had an answer that fast ??

"What? I don't--" I started.

"No, no, no! Haha! Calm yo fuckin ass, girl!" He laughed, I chuckled slightly and sat back in my seat again. "I know you don't have any decision yet, but I got a cellphone so ..." He picked up a piece of paper and wrote down his number before handing it to me. "When you DO have a decision, you call me. Aight?"

I nodded to him and picked up my cell phone, dialled his number and wrote a short message to him.


He laughed briefly and took up the phone and looked at me smiling.

'Now you got my number too, handsome;)' He laughed briefly and saved the number before I leaned towards him until our lips met, short and with a smile when we both let go.

I looked him in the eyes smiling as he stepped out of the car and over on my side to open the door for me, I looked at him with an approving look.

"Wow, Slim Shady got manners! The world is defiantly coming to an end!" I said, he laughed and closed the door behind me.

"I could say something in that category about you too... 'What ?? ALEX ?! A GIRL !? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS WORLD !!' "He did his voice some pitches higher, so it would imitate the voice he had as a teen, he came that close that I was about to laugh myself to death !!

I smiled and took his hand in mine while we walked into the lobby and into the elevator. Marshall did not let my hand go while he pressed the button for the top floor and met my gaze immediately when the elevator doors closed.

"Damn, you done something with your hair?" He asked, I looked at him quizzically.

"Where did THAT come from ??" I exclaimed smiling and shaking my head. "I have showered, if that's what you mean ..?" I laughed, he chuckled and squeezed my hand till the elevator 'ding-ed' to say that the doors were now open.

We went straight to his room and locked the door, Proof, Stacy and Brian was already there and looked up as we came in, hand in hand. Proof bursted out laughing and Brian seemed to give Stacy a dollar, haha ​​!!

"Hi There, 'FRIENDS', how was your day (t)" Proof said smiling and leaned back on the sofa happy.

"Hi, girl !! Sooo ??? Are you guys official now ??" Asked Stacy smiling and ran to us to give us both a hug. Marshall didn't let go of my hand at all and sent me a brief glance.

"Yeah, I think so?" I said and looked over at Marshall, he smiled easily to me.

"Yeah, man ... We're together." He said smiling, I smiled up at him when Stacy uttered a loud scream and jumped up and down like a maniac, haha!

"Stacy! Calm down! It's just us !!" I laughed, she looked at me smiling.

"Not JUST you! I got the BEST news todaay !! And YOU'RE coming with me!" She said, I looked at her quizzically as Marshall dropped my hand and went over to Proof. He threw himself down beside him and laughed briefly when they began a conversation I could not decipher from where I stood.

"What do you mean?" I asked, as Brian rolled his eyes behind her, I had to chuckle a little.

"The Boys is coming here !! NEXT WEEK !! Ooooh !!" She cheered and jumped up and down like a madman, again.

"STACY !! Speak English !! Who the hell is ... Ooooh ... Those boys ... Do I really need-to come ..?" I asked when I realized she meant "The Backstreet Boys" and sighed out loudly. I didn't have anything against them, the music was good and stuff, but what the hell would Marshall say if I went to a concert to them ... A boyband! Voluntarily!

And I COULD possibly, just perhaps, be a little, like, girl ... When it came to Nick ..? JUST MAYBE!

"Come ON !! 'In WAAANT IT THAT WAY !!' " She sang, I looked at her with big eyes. Marshall and Proof turned toward us and burst into laughter until they stood up and started singing, which looked totally lame since it was at fun!

"TELL ME WHYY !!" Sang Proof and started dancing similar to Marshall, I could not help laughing.

"IT'S NOTHING BUT A HEADACHE!" Sang Marshall, then even Brian had to laugh !!

"TELL ME WHYY !!" Proof laughed as he tried to sing along. Marshall let out a short laugh before he sang again.



"I ALWAYS WANNA HEAR YOU SAAAAY !! I WANT YOU THAT WAAAAY !!" He sang and then everyone burst out in laughter, Stacy stopped laughing and coughed away the laughing first.

"You are ruining the sooong !! BUT OH MY GOD !! HAHA HAHA !!" She started to laugh again, and then we laughed all long until we all lay on the floor in tears.

Wake Up Call (English) #Wattys2016Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ