Well great...

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______ December, 2007 ______

The past year has actually been very good ... In a way, everything has been fine ... It's pretty obvious that Marshall still has feelings for me, and the fact that I'm dating Brian and don't have strong feelings for him probably doesn't make it better for him... He has become much worse in his pill use, I'm glad I don't see him when he uses them ...

I was kneeling in front of the TV and looked for a movie we could watch at the birthday party I was having tonight. I stood in between two choices when it came to good movies, a romantic comedy and Spiderman. I love Spiderman, he's my favorite superhero, the same with Marshall. We're both hooked on Spiderman, but we watch every superhero movie that comes out, since we both read lots of comics as young we have always loved superhero movies!

"Alexis?" I heard behind me, I sat up and met the eyes of Brian with a smile.

"Hey, baby! Which movie ..." I said and held up the movies towards him, he tilted his head and pointed to the romantic comedy with a thoughtful gaze.

"I would've said 'Just Friends' cause the movie is hilarious, but it's romantic ... Guess who won't be happy about that ..." He said, I nodded and looked at Spiderman .

"But, Spideman is kinda romantic too ... The kiss though!" I said, he nodded.

"Yeah, but I don't think Marshall would like to watch Spiderman rather than Just Friends. But I gotta go, I may be a little late to the party because of work, but I'll be there ..." He kissed me quickly. "Bye honey." He smiled and walked out, I sighed to myself.

Spiderman. OKAY! I do not complain about that!

I put the movie on the table and walked into the kitchen to fix snacks when the door was ripped up, I looked toward the door with big eyes when Marshall bursted in.

"Hi, birthday-girl!" He shouted smiling and slammed the door behind him. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!"

"Shhhhh !!!" I said quickly, he coughed briefly. "Jesus ... Put the gifts on the table and grab yourself a beer." I said, pointing to the fridge.

"Have y'all broken up yet?" He asked as he walked toward the fridge, I rolled my eyes.

"You gotta let it go, I love him, Marshall ... I'm not breaking up with him, he's perfect." He met my gaze as he took a sip of beer.

"So you said the last time, the same day we ended up fucking. And I know I'm better than him at that, you told me so yourself!" He said, and drank up the last sip of beer quickly, I took down the chips bags from the closets and poured it in a bowl each. "Come on ... I know you still have feelings for me, I can see it in your eyes ..." he said and walked toward me, I met his gaze slightly annoyed.

"Stop it." He chuckled to himself.

"Scared I might be right?" He said, leaning up to the kitchen counter with a cocky grin.

"No, I don't want to throw you out on my birthday because you creep me the fuck out." I said strictly and took out the soda from the fridge. Eehehe, I'm trying to cut down on my alcohol intake ... "Just be my best friend and not that creepy, stalker, ex boyfriend all the damn time ... I'm sick and tired of it, it's been a year. You've got to move on ... Find someone else ..." He looked into my eyes.

"Alex ---" I shushed on him and took the bowls of chips with me to the table. Nothing will ruin my day! Nothing! "Aigh't fine, I ... I just ... I'm just not feeling great, okay ... I just hate everything at the moment ..." I met his gaze while I set down the bowls on the table. "Only thing that keeps me going is my babies and ..." He met my gaze. "A hope that you and me are gonna get back together ..."

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