I fell...

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We had now lived together for a week, great huh! Marshall was constantly away in the studio, I was not lonely though, since I worked in Vogue here in California. So it went smoothly, but some nights were often long and there were many times he didn't even come up to the room to sleep, so I asked him why and he only said that he had arrived and slept with me, but had gone to the studio again before I woke up ... Yes, I was skeptical ...

I lay on the sunbed by the pool, tanning myself, I had read a couple of magazines and lay with sunglasses on while Marshall was still inside. He had been there for quite some time now?

He said he would arrange something, so it shouldn't to take so long?

I sat up and took off my sunglasses while I looked around.

"Marshall?" I cried, no answer. I stood up and walked in, I cried again, but still no answer. Then I heard a thud from the bathroom, I ran to the door and took the handle, but it was locked. As I took the handle, I heard something rattle in something that sounded like a plastic bottle.

"Uh, hold on a minute ..." I heard him say inside, he cleared his throat and I heard cabinets open and close quickly.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, I thought maybe he had cut himself on something and needed patches, since that's what we had there.

"Everything's fine, hold on ..." He said stressed and snorted loudly, I got a quizzical glance. Did he cry?


"HOLD ON A FUCKING MINUTE, ALEX!" I jumped at his outburst, he flushed the toilet and washed his hands before he opened the door and met my gaze briefly before he walked past me quickly.

I went into the bathroom and looked around, closed the door behind me so he didn't come back. I opened the cabinet doors and drawers, but the only thing I found was a box of pills. Painkillers, I thought nothing more of it and let them back into the closet again where they stood and walked out of the bathroom.

Marshall sat on the sofa in the living room and stared into the wall when I came into the living room, I looked at him questioningly, he chewed nails and his hair stood up everywhere.

"Marshall? Are you okay?" I asked serious, he met my gaze and nodded.

"I'm fine Alex ..." He mumbled, I nodded at him understandable.

"Okay, you don't wanna talk about it. You want some food?" I asked and smiled at him easily, he shook his head.

"I'm full ..."

"Okay." I said, and started making myself a fruit salad, I heard he got up from the couch and met his gaze when I turned towards him.

"I'm by the pool ..." He said, he almost sounded tired. I nodded at him and wanted to watch as he pulled off his shirt, but he didn't?

"Marshall, It's hot, aren't you gonna take off your shirt?"  I asked, and laughed briefly, he looked at me nervously and shook his head.

"Uh, no. I think I'm beginning to get sick so ... Uh, I need to keep my shirt on, y'know ..." So he sent me a brief glance before he walked quickly out and lay down on the sun bed beside mine.

Sick? Him? He's got the fucking immunity of an elephant ?! He never gets sick ??

Something was wrong! Ever since he came back home after that concert, he had behaved strangely! He hasn't taken off his shirt when he's around me, he never sleeps with me when I'm awake and can actually see him in the bed with me, he's long in the bathroom at a time and he is dazed and tired all the time! I put down the fruit and went out to him, I sat down on my lounge chair and met his eyes when he sat up, I noticed that he sat up quite slowly. Almost like a sit-up in slow-motion.

"What the hell is wrong ??" I asked annoyed, he sighed and looked away.

"Nothin's wrong, baby. I'm just gettin sick, aight?" He smiled easily.

"Don't 'Baby' me! You never get sick! And you don't look sick, stop lying to me! I know you! What the fuck is going on ?!"



"Wow, fine ... I fell, happy now?"

"... You fell? YOU FELL ?! WOW! If you're gonna lie, do it properly ..."  I said acidic and stood up, he took my hand and forced me to meet his gaze.

"I ain't lying! I did fall, I hurt myself ..."

He released my hand and pulled up his shirt, I looked at him quizzically until I saw he had bandages tied around him tight. My eyes got wide at the sight of it.

"Marshall !!" I exclaimed, and sat back down while I stared at him. "What happend ?! Why didn't you tell me !!"

"I promised you that I wouldn't stage-dive remember ..?" I looked at him sour.

"And ..?"

"I did ... And I kinda broke a few ribs ..." he said and smiled at me innocently.

"How many is few ..."

"... I still finished the show though, so it's not that bad."

"Marshall, you and I both know you know how to keep your pain to your self. Even though it's a living hell! How many ribs did you break?" I asked seriously, he sighed and took a deep breath, as deep as he could at least before he whined low of pain.

"I broke 10 ribs." He said, and met my gaze, I stared at him.

"10 ?!" I asked, hoping I had misheard, he nodded and lay down in the sun bed again.


"I do trust you! I just didn't want you to get angry because I didn't do as I promised and--"

"Marshall! GROW UP! That's what childeren does! FOR FUCK SAKE MARSHALL! GROW UP !!"

"I ain't no kid, Alex--"

"Well stop acting like it! YOU-- You know what, just leave me alone for a little while ..."  I said and took my towel quickly and walked inside.

"Alex ..." He said sorry, I sighed loudly and stomped up the stairs to our room and locked the door behind me.

I sat on the bed, God he's scared me so damn much... I thought he had found someone else since he lied to me! I had tears in my eyes.

"Alex, please open the door." I heard Marshall outside.

"LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" I screamed and heard him walking away quietly.

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