Sexually Frustrated

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______ Marshall's POV _____


"I'm sorry, Marshall !! I just got a raise and I can't leave in the middle of a surgery! I'm sorry, but I really gotta go ... Give updates on twitter or something, she got in touch with some girl and she probably wants her to know she's okay." He said and hung up.

"Fucking bitch ass, idiot ..." I said grumpy and looked up as the door to the room opened, Haillie, Lanie and Whitney came running up to me with big eyes. I didn't expect them to come here? But damn, I've missed my little girls...

"Daddy!" They said in unison, I sat down on my knees and pulled them all to me. Lanie met my gaze.

"Uncle, Aunt Kim is downstairs buying us all food." She said, I nodded and kissed her forehead while I looked behind them at Alex lying in her bed. Haillie let go of the hug and ran over to her, she sat down on the chair and stroked her cheek.

"Is she okay?" She said sad, Kim came walking into the room and gave me a gentle smile. We try. We're still mentally stabbing each other, but we try to get it to work between us, for the girls. No way we are going to argue in front of them, it's hard enough as it is...

"She's just sleeping, she'll wake up in no time ..." I said quietly and gave Kim a quick hug, but she didn't let me go.

"What happened?" She whispered into my ear, I sighed.

"She'll tell you when she wakes up..." I just said and pulled her away carefully. I walked to Haillie, lifted her up and sat down in the chair. She sat on my lap and continued stroking Alex's cheek quietly.

"Why doesn't she wake up ?? You try." She said, and turned to me.

"Why should I try?" I smiled, in a double sense ...

"Because you always wakes us up somehow ..." she giggled, I smiled at her fooled.

"I don't think yelling is allowed in a hospital, sweetheart ..." Kim chuckled behind me, I sent her a grimace when Whitney came running and sat on my lap too. She looked at Alex quietly.

Suddenly the door burst open and Stacy came in the room. She got big eyes and it was clearly tears that had spilled down her cheeks. She met my gaze and smiled to all the others before she looked back at me again.

"How is she ??" She asked and coughed briefly, her voice trembling. I sighed.

"She's sleeping!" Said Haillie quickly with a smile, Stacy smiled at her warmly.

"I don't believe we've met? My name's Stacy! I'm one of Alex's best friends." She said and smiled at everyone.

"I'm Haillie, my dad's one of aunt Alex's best friends too." She said back, that kinda hurt ... Stacy winked at her.

"And I'm Whitney!" Said Whit from my lap.

"Alaina, but everyone calls me Lanie." Said Lanie and looked over at Kim as she put down her bag I assumed was full of food, before she walked over to Stacy and took her hand in hers.

"I'm Kim." I looked up and cleared my throat loudly.

"You heard something from Dr. B.A.F?" I said to Stacy, Kim dropped her hands and sat down on the couch in the corner of the room.

"Pleasure to meet you all." Stacy smiled before she met my gaze. "He's performing a brain-surgery, it might take a while ..." She said, I could feel my anger rise as the words escaped her mouth. "And remember to tweet." She said, I rolled my eyes and took up Alex's smashed phone from my pocket. Woops. I just wrote something short:

Wake Up Call (English) #Wattys2016Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora